Smart Schools Bond Act In 2014 Governor Cuomo proposed an investment of $2 billion to schools an initiative would finance educational technology and infrastructure providing students access to the latest technology and connectivity needed to succeed and compete in the global economy. Valley Central was awarded $3,403,847
Technology and Security Audit Annese prioritized technology recommendations from high to low CNC provided security recommendations based on the culture of school security over the last several years Smart Schools Committee met to discuss recommendations
Three Avenues to Improve Technology ERate Energy, Abatement & Technology Bond Smart Schools Bond VC infrastructure needs to be updated before anything else can be accomplished.
Smart Schools Phase 1 UPS Upgrades Fiber Optics Upgraded & Certified Battery back-ups in all data closets Fiber Optics Upgraded & Certified All data closets have fiber that ties them back to core data closet. Current fiber optics are 15 years old No records of certification or quality Certified, tested and guaranteed Lightspeed Upgrades Increase in bandwidth to comply with Smart School requires upgrading internet filter to prevent bottlenecking
Smart Schools Phase 1 Security Voice Gateways Phone System Upgrades Devices that connect buildings to UCS Phone System Upgrades Current system is 8+ years old and beyond repair & warranty Generator Telephone and internet power in emergency situations Security Replace & improve exterior door controls Each building has one door control Add more swipe card access doors Audible alarms on other doors Increase security camera saturation
Smart Schools Cost Phase 1 Technology Improvements $ 694,098.47 Security Improvements $1,195,429.04 TOTAL $1,889,527.51 Remaining Balance $1,514,319.49