St Martins Healthcare Clinical Pathway Blood Borne Virus & General Health Check Pathway A Guide For All Clinicians Working Within The LCDP
Aims of Pathway To ensure all new clients receive a general health check, and are offered BBV testing and immunisation ECG’s are offered to clients within guidelines Identify clients who have not completed the BBV pathway and action accordingly
Aims of Pathway All existing clients have a minimum BBV screen and annual health check. Provide a ‘call and recall’ immunisation programme Record data accurately, promoting audit and reporting Meet commissioned targets.
Tools & Templates To record all information (on System One); Current general Health Care template includes; *BBV status & imms history *BMI *Peak flow *Blood pressure & pulse *Alcohol consumption & brief intervention *Urine testing
Tools & Templates Also imminent; Mental Health template Sexual Health template Injection Site and Wound Care template Smoking screen Drug Allergies & GP prescribed medication
Why Do I Need To Know This ? Assessment – of BBV status and general health is your responsibility as a clinician Documentation and appropriate referral is everyone’s responsibility Actioning by administering due immunisations, completing BBV screens and discussions is part of all clinicians job role.
Why ! At present, generally, clinician input around BBV’s and general health checks is minimal. Referrals to nurse appointments are low & client attendance as a stand alone is poor. We can and should be providing the best ‘full package’ service we can, within the limitations we have.
What we can and should be doing ! Action there and then when you can If you can’t action – adjust scripts to encourage (ensure) attendance to see the BBV nurse Document your findings (IN GREEN) Read past documentation in green (and red)
Gold Standard Holistic care for all clients Looking at drug & alcohol use and providing substitute prescribing accordingly - but also addressing physical health, mental health, long term conditions, protection, harm reduction, relapse prevention and the risks of your client to others
Also ! There are commissioning targets to be met !! Although effective audit hasn’t been possible on ILLY, it is anticipated S1 will show BBV & healthcare imput to be poor.