eARS Release 2.0 Tips for AY 2014 File Upload


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eARS Release 2.0 Tips for AY 2014 File Upload Mississippi Community College Board David Case (DCase@mccb.edu) 601-227-0607 Research and Effectiveness Division February 12, 2014

2014 Upload Checks Primary Enrollment (PE) and Student Schedule (SS) File Number of Primary Enrollment File records = all students enrolled in at least 1 course as of Drop/Add all students with a Grade (including ‘W’) in at least 1 course Per Student: SS rows = number of registered courses at end of Drop/Add SS rows = number of courses with Grade received PE Field 26 (Traditional) + PE Field 32 (VCC) = SS Total Enrolled Hours (Included + Excluded) from Student Schedule File (SS) Rows (The PE file includes hours both requested and not-requested for payment) SS Hours Included for payment = sum of hours associated with SS rows with Field 7 = 1 (Include) SS Hours Included may or may not equal PE Total Hours

2014 Upload Checks Include/Exclude for a Student PE Field 42 = 0 (Exclude) removes student from the Admissions Sample (and by extension any request for credit hour payment) PE Field 42 = 0 (Exclude) should result in college setting ALL SS Field 7 = 0 (Exclude) in ALL SS records for that student PE Total Hours (Field 26 + Field 32) = 0 is NOT possible (such a student would be a No Show or not enrolled for the term) PE Total Hours does not have to equal SS Hours Included (withdrawal activity, etc. will cause inequality between PE hours and SS hours)

2014 Upload Checks When to Use PE Field 42 = 0 (Exclude from Admission Sample ) Student withdrew from all hours before cutoff date Student incurred attendance findings in all courses Documentation problem in admission audit file Conditional Admission did not complete Any extraordinary cause to exclude the student from the Admission Sample

2014 Upload Checks When to Use SS Field 7 = 0 (Exclude from Audit Roll) for a particular course row Student’s PE Field 42 = 0 Grade = AU Withdrawal from course before cutoff date Attendance review finding (excessive absence, LDA before cutoff, etc.)

2014 Upload Checks The Include/Exclude (1/0) codes in PE Field 42 and SS Field 7 are intended for AUDIT COMPLIANCE (not to indicate residency) 1. To handle withdrawals before the cutoff date 2. To handle attendance finding issues, like excessive absences discovered upon review 3. To handle admission documentation problems in the audit While Include/Exclude does impact payment via the audit process, out-of-state students should generally have the INCLUDE code in both PE and SS files unless one of the three conditions described above exists

2014 Upload Checks Relationships Between PE Field 42 and SS Field 7 If PE 42 = 0 for student, all SS 7 rows for student = 0 Reverse is not true – student may have one or more 0 entries in SS Field 7 but still have PE Field 42 = 1 If at least one SS 7 row for student = 1, PE 42 cannot = 0

2014 Upload Checks New “C” Code for PE Field 17 (Term Admission Compliance) C = Conditional Admit; student was admitted conditionally awaiting receipt of documentation but did not complete Must correspond to PE Field 42 = 0, and all SS rows Field 7 = 0 Initial Admission Compliance Field 41 cannot = “C” when college is requesting reimbursement for a student

2014 Upload Checks PE Field 11 Full Time or Part Time status is calculated as of end of Drop/Add Does not change with subsequent withdrawal activity; recalculations performed post-Audit

2014 Upload Checks PE File Fields (assuming no unexpected corrections to database) SET as of Drop/Add EXCEPT Field 17 (possibly) if initially set to C = Conditional Admit and admission compliance changes during term Field 42 (Include or Exclude) can change upon withdrawal activity, etc. Number of rows in PE expected to be final at Drop/Add PE Total Hours (PE Field 26 + PE Field 32) expected to be final at Drop/Add Number of rows in SS expected to be final at Drop/Add

2014 File Examples for a Fall Term Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in all courses PE Field 11 = 1 (Full Time FT) Note: Full Time => 6 hours in Summer term Note: PE Field 11 based on total enrolled hours at end of Drop/Add period (last day to drop course with no grade) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 (number of courses) SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, A SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term, Course Withdrawal Before Cutoff Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 4 courses, withdraws 1 course in 4th week: PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, W SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 1, 1, 0

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term, Course Withdrawal After Cutoff Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 4 courses, withdraws 1 course in 7th week: PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, W SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term, Multiple Withdrawals Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 2 courses, withdraws 2 course in 4th week, withdraws 1 course in 7th week: PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, W, W, W SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 Note: Adjustment of student to Part-time recalculated AFTER AUDIT. PE Field 11 is as of Drop/Add

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term; Admissions File Problem Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 5 courses; documentation problem is discovered in the admissions folder PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 0 (Exclude from Admission Sample) Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, A SS Field 7 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (Exclude from Audit Roll) NOTE: The Exclude should be accomplished by the college before upload to avoid sampling. Exclude is equivalent to the past method removal of the student record from the files.

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term; Conditional Admit Problem Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 5 courses; conditional admission did not complete. PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Field 17 = C (Conditional Admit) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 0 (Exclude from Admission Sample) Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, A SS Field 7 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (Exclude from Audit Roll)

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term; Attendance Review Problem Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; completes and grades A in 5 courses; end of term attendance review reveals excessive absences in 1 course PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = A, A, A, A, A SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 1, 1, 0

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term; Total Withdrawal from School > Cutoff Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; withdraws from ALL courses in 7th week PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = W, W, W, W, W SS Field 7 = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

20141 File Examples for a Fall Term, Total Withdrawal from School < Cutoff Student enrolled in five 3 hour courses; withdraws from ALL courses in 4th week PE Field 11 = 1 (FT) PE Hours (sum Fields 26+32) = 15 PE Field 42 = 0 (Student is removed from Admission Sample) Rows in SS = 5 SS Field 6 = W, W, W, W, W SS Field 7 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

2014 File Examples for a Fall Term, Part Time Student Student enrolled in one 3 hour course; completes and grades A in the courses: PE Field 11 = 2 (Part Time PT) PE Field 42 = 1 Rows in SS = 1 (number of courses) SS Field 6 = A SS Field 7 = 1

2014 File Examples for a Fall Term, Part Time with Withdrawal < Cutoff Student enrolled in one 3 hour course; withdraws from course in 4th week: PE Field 11 = 2 (Part Time PT) PE Field 42 = 0 (withdrew from ALL hours before cutoff) Rows in SS = 1 (number of courses) SS Field 6 = W SS Field 7 = 0

2014 CF and SS Considerations Course File (CF): CF will include all non-cancelled (assume >= 1 enrollment) courses. CF will be validated against the VCC Reference to ensure that all courses in CF coded as VCC are in fact approved by the VCC. The reverse is not true. There could be courses setup in the VCC Reference that are not present in the CF. The college must make sure that all courses requested for payment are included in the CF Student Schedule File (SS): SS should include all student enrollments from non-cancelled Traditional, VCC Provided, and VCC Hosted courses. To count hours for reimbursement, code Field 7 = “1” (Include). To omit hours for reimbursement (excessive absences, for example) code Field 7 = “0 ” (Exclude).

2014 CF and SS Considerations SS Example: Consider Student ID 00001 below: ID 00001 enrolled in MAT131301, Traditional course, grade = B ID 00001 enrolled in HIS212301, Traditional course, grade = W, LDA AFTER cutoff date ID 00001 enrolled in ENG131301, Traditional course, grade = C, but excessive absences found to accumulate BEFORE cutoff date ID 00001 enrolled in MAT2121 V01, PROVIDED VCC course, grade = A ID 00001 enrolled in MFL1713 V01, PROVIDED VCC course, CANCELLED ID 00001 enrolled in HPR1111 V01, PROVIDED VCC course, grade = W, LDA in Enrollment Tool is BEFORE cutoff date ID 00001 enrolled in ENG2323 V85, HOSTED VCC course, grade = A, VCC Reference course ID = ENG2323 ZZV1 ID 00001 enrolled in PHI1112 V85, HOSTED VCC course, grade = B, VCC Reference course ID = PHI1112 ZZV1

2014 CF and SS Considerations SS Example Continued: In the above example the courses in BLUE would be scripted directly from the local SIS into the SS file with Field 7 = “1” (Include). In the above example the courses in RED would be scripted directly from the local SIS into the SS file with Field 7 = “0” (Exclude). In the above example the courses in GREEN would be downloaded from the VCC table in eARS. The GRADE field (Field 6) will be blank upon download and populated by the college. Upon population, the rows would be appended to the SS. In the above example the course in YELLOW would not be included in the SS. There is no reason to upload a cancelled course.

2014 CF and SS Considerations Some Notes: Since the eARS download is now only hosted VCC courses, the resultant set is a significantly smaller table to work with. All grades (SS Field 6) come from the local SIS. It is true that the college may have to find the local hosted course that corresponds with the downloaded VCC course section. Some options for this cross-walk: Simply import the eARS download into a spreadsheet and request population of grades by the registrar; Build a cross-walk table to link the local section with the downloaded section and populate grades directly; Join the downloaded table with the SIS grades table and query all grades for student IDs in the downloaded set for the courses listed with sections omitted. Future discussion can take place to look into further streamlining of the process for hosted grade handling.