WORLD WAR 2 – From D-Day on 3RD YR
D-Day: Invasion forces planned to land in France Allies tricked the Nazis Made Germans think it would be Calais Carefully planned – Underwater pipeline= Pluto/fuel for the tanks
Plan for D-Day
D-Day beaches Invasion forces were American, British, Canadian Led by General Eisenhower Land on 5 beaches in Normandy Utah, Gold, Juno, Sword, Omaha Begins 6th June 1944
France liberated Germans had sea-wall defences Fought allies on beaches Over 1 million allied soldiers land Eventually win Aug 1944 Paris liberated
Germans retreat Allies started to push Germans east out of France Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 1944) One last German counter-attack through Belguim Germans nearly won, but were defeated
Russians from east Red Army attacking Germany from East Led by Marshal Zhukov Germans surrounded on both sides Wehrmacht kept retreating Last hope for Germany was V2 rockets But they also failed
Hitler Bunker Russians advanced from the east and Americans and British from the west into Germany (1945) Hitler was living in an underground bunker in Berlin He and his wife, Eva Braun committed suicide in April 1945 Germany surrendered. The war in Europe was over and VE (Victory in Europe) Day was celebrated on 8 May 1945
Germans surrender Succeeded by Admiral Donitz Immediately surrendered 8th May 1945 – VE Day
War in Pacific Remember how USA had entered the war? Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour Japan wanted to create empire in Asia USA had first focused on Germany Now decided to focus on Japan
Japan surrenders America began to invade islands Japan had conquered By May 1945 Japan was beaten Cities bombed every night by American planes But refused to surrender
Invade? America could invade Japan Like they did in Operation Overlord But would lose many soldiers President Truman decided to drop a new bomb Hoped this would force Japan to surrender
The War against Japan Japanese refused to surrender to the U.S Aug. 1945 U.S dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 80,000 died instantly-great death and destruction Japan surrendered. VJ (Victory in Japan) day was celebrated on 15 Aug. 1945
Atom bombs Japan still didn’t surrender So America dropped a second bomb On Nagasaki More death and destruction Then Japan surrendered
Effects of WW2 Destruction 55 million – mostly civilians – dead Cities destroyed People homeless
Effects of WW2 New superpowers emerge USA and USSR – but one capitalist and the other communist – Hate each other – leads to Cold War Britain and France and their empires are weakened Now colonies will seek independence from Britain Britain will look at one colony – India that did this
Effects of WW2 Determination to avoid another war European countries decide to unite To make sure war can’t happen again between them Led to the development of EEC
REVISON VOCAB 1. Write down what these words refer to Operation Barbarossa Operation sealion Operation Dynamo Battle of midway D-Day Wehrmacht Red army Isolationism Pearl Harbour Maginot Line
2. Write down 5 countries that Germany invaded 3. Write 5 points about the Battle of Britain 4. What was Blitzkrieg? 5. What was Vichy France? 6. Write 4 pts about Battle of Stalingrad