DAVID’S VICTORY OVER THE AMALEKITES Memory Verse Main Text 1 Samuel 30:18 1 Samuel 30:1-31 Lesson 769 Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Canada Youth Search The Scriptures
Introduction Like David, everybody has challenges in life Job 14:1 However, Christ has given the promise of victory to those who put their entire trust in Him John 16:33; Psalm 34:19
DAVID FOUGHT AGAINST MANY ENEMIES During His time Jebusites Amalekites Gittites DAVID FOUGHT AGAINST MANY ENEMIES During His time 1 Chronicles 11:4 1 Samuel 27:8 2 Samuel 21:19
DAVID HAD SO MANY CHALLENGES… Discouragement and Difficulty Because he was turned down by the Philistines - 1 Samuel 29:9 Destruction and Damages Due to the invasion of Zikglag by the enemy - 1 Samuel 30:1 Disappointment and Distress Because his followers thought of stoning him – 1 Samuel 30:6 DAVID HAD SO MANY CHALLENGES…
WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE ATTACK ON DAVID’S CAMP The enemies usually attack during believer’s unguarded moments The enemy will always attack those who are on the Lord’s side. Remember David had previously fought against them Our adversary is never at rest, hence we must always watch and pray 1 Samuel 30:1-3 1 Samuel 27:8 1 Peter 5:8
Societal evils and worldly amusements Temptations from sinners Religious deception 1Timothy 4:1 Societal evils and worldly amusements Lev 18:22; 19:28 20:13; 1Cor. 6:9-10; Rom 1:26-28 Temptations from sinners Proverbs 1:10 WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT THE CHALLENGES FACING CHRISTIAN YOUTHS TODAY?
WHAT DID David do in his distress? He refused to be discouraged by the reaction of people around him; rather he encouraged himself in the Lord v6 He prayed and sought the help of God v7 He courageously fought the fight of faith, trusting God for victory v8; Isaiah 35:4; Psalm 50:15 He did not go with the weak fellows. Christian youths must make friends with serious-minded Christians Proverbs 27:17
CALL TO FULFIL THE GREAT COMMISSION The Egyptian helped and fed by David could be likened to any sinner around us today. All sinners are weak and about to die eternal death (v.11). He gave him physical food, and that led them to victory (v.12) David did not see him as an enemy, rather as a soul to be helped (v.13) Such sinners may be the gateway into the salvation of many other sinners (v.15-20) No matter what we are going through, we must endeavor to share the gospel of salvation to the sinners that come our way (2 Timothy 4:2)
DAVID ACTED AS A TYPE OF CHRIST Christ is the one who fought and won the battle over our souls David fought for the recovery of his people (verse 9; John 16:33) Christ gave everyone the same common salvation As a Type of Christ, David demonstrated Christ-like attitude when sharing the spoils (verse 24; Deut.15:7,8) Christ never discriminate, hence we must share the gospel of Christ to everyone without discrimination. David helped the Egyptian. As Christians, we too must share what we have with those who are in need within the body of Christ (verse 11, 12; Acts 20:35).
QUESTIONS What does recurring troubles in David’s life teach believers today? Mention some of the challenges that confronts the faith of the Christian youths today How should saved youths respond to distressful situations? What should Christian youths do when in trouble?
References for image used on cover slide https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Z%2fMs4KAl&id =AA8D3249FB0F9DE608E529DEA312E55159157296&thid=OIP.Z_Ms4KAl_ysU6a7 44WGsWQEsDh&q=david+and+the+amalekites&simid=607990160652896378 &selectedIndex=2&ajaxhist=0