Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Jazan University


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Presentation transcript:

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Jazan University AD Darb Faculty of Science and Arts for Girls  Implementation Plan for the academic year 1438-1439h 

Situation – Target – Path Strategic planning Situation – Target – Path (STP) Where we want to be ? ( vision ) ( to achieve vision ) Action steps now 19/08/1431


Values Vision mission Strategic plan Action plan

values Excellence competition Innovation the efficiency (administrative body and faculty stuff members ) Service to the community

vision Third best college among Jazan University colleges for academic excellence of its graduates at the end of the plan period (Within five years )

Mission Best education at the level of the Colleges of Science and Arts for Girls in the south of the kingdom in a creative environment


There are 8 goals : First goal : Infrastructure evaluation twice each year to improve the Installations and face of any defect The second goal : Improving the efficiency of the administrative body and faculty stuff members Third goal : Identify job title for each employee with a list of tasks , as well as determine the administrative tasks assigned to faculty members The fourth goal : increase the use of information technology at least 25%

Fifth goal : Raising the efficiency of the incoming students Six goal : Improvement in the success rate for students in each department ( at least 5%) compared with previous semester Seventh goal : the requirement that 50% of the faculty members use the latest teaching techniques Eighth goal : the integration of the community in the educational process

Increase the use of information technology : Start End R/A Methods Used/technique (how) Resource Required Costs/ Budget Risk/ Priority Targets/ Performance Indicators Documents Communication 1.9.2015 1.11. 2015 College Deanship Committee Of facilities and equipment Increase No of computer lab Computer internet employee 100000 SAR LOW - high Increase two labs at least Letter sent . List of equipment E mail Meeting 10.2. 2017 30.5. Quality unit Learning and teaching committee Application of paperless office computers - Low - high Application of paperless office in two committees in quality unit E QMS Soft reports E mails

Tamplets used : Goal tamplet: Mean Implementer deadline cost

Tamplets used : Time table tamplet: for each month ex. March Mean Implementer deadline cost Mean 5 of goal 1 10- 3 Mean 1 of goal 7 15 - 3 Mean 4 of goal 3 25 - 3

Templates used : Agenda for implementer ( either a person or unit ): Training unit : Mean deadline cost Done ???

First goal : Infrastructure evaluation twice each year to improve the Installations and face of any defect Mean Implementer deadline cost Prepare a comprehensive college building specifications database. Commission facilities and equipment in the college. 15/10/2016 Prepare a list of the needs of the building and equipment maintenance . Commission facilities and equipment. Preparation of maintenance reports. Maintenance Commission. Twice each year,In the beginning of the first term , the end of the second term.

Develop a plan for security and safety. . Committee for security and safety. 30/10/2016 Suggestion of a coefficient insurance system in labs. Committee of labs, Department of Biology . 20/10/2016 Training of at least 30% of the students on the evacuation and the use of fire extinguishers . Training Unit . end of the second term. Training of at least 20% of the students on first aid . Nursing Department . end of the first term. Training of 100 % of the faculty members on the evacuation and the use of fire extinguishers end of the second term

Training of 50 % of the security guards on the evacuation and the use of fire extinguishers Training Unit end of the second term Training of 50 % of the security guards on first aid . Nursing Department . Training of 50 % of the faculty members on first aid Nursing Department Design a questionnaire to assess the infrastructure by the students and faculty members periodically Statistics Committee

The second goal : Improving the efficiency of the administrative body and faculty stuff members Mean Implementer deadline Cost establishment of a training unit (development center) College DeanshipAdministration Learning and teaching Committee Determination of the required workshops Learning and teaching Committee Recording the names of those in need of training Recording the names of trainers

Performance evaluation of 10% of the faculty members each semester Head of Learning and Teaching Committee Development the best performance prize College Deanship Development of a web site to link boys and girls colleges to share experiences Visit a successful experience in quality (at least visit one college holds accreditation each semester ) Quality unit

Third goal : Identify job title for each employee with a list of tasks , as well as determine the administrative tasks assigned to faculty members Mean Implementer deadline Cost Preparation of database for employees including their names and number of years of service and job title Director of Administration Make a list of the tasks assigned to each employee and attached to his office with the necessity circulated to departments. Development of an evaluation system of the administrators Dean and Vice Dean

Design a questionnaire to measure the l satisfaction with the performance of administrators Preparation of database for stuff members Academic Affairs . Determination of the administrative tasks of faculty members departments Determination of the assigned tasks for faculty members Development of an evaluation sysrem of the administrative work of the members Dean

The fourth goal : increase the use of information technology at least 25% Mean Implementer deadline Cost Increase two labs to the computer labs College DeanshipCommittee of facilities and equipments Provide each laboratory by at least a printer and ……….machine Allocation of 3 hours per day for the students having Graduation project to take advantage of the lab

Training of 100 % of the members on the e- learning during the year Coordinator of the e- learning Training of 100 % of the students on the e-learning system during the year Training of members wishing to train on four courses in computer application of 50% of the Members at least for a system of distance learning

Training of employees wishing to train on three courses( items) in computer The application of (paperless office) in two committees of quality concerned Committees Development of a web site to link the quality units in boys and girls colleges to share experiences Linking Deanship of Academic Development units of quality via SMS

Customize an employee of Student Affairs to follow up on cases of students particularly absences at least twice each month Design questionnaires to evaluate the application of technology

Fifth goal : Raising the efficiency of the incoming students : Mean Implementer deadline Cost Preparationof student guidebook for high schools students for girls (include everything about the university , colleges , academic programs and intended learning outcomes ( at least one hard coby and one soft copy for each secondary school for girls around the collage departments / Academic Advising

Providing of guidance sessions for the students of the final stages of secondary education in their schools at least two sessions in the academic year in each school Academic Advising UnitPreparatory Year Hosting representatives of the students in the third grade secondary in the configuration week (once at the beginning of each semester )

Fix a bank of question for the orientation tests , at least 100 questions ( choose 10 of them each semester for admission and orientation Bank of questions from each section Providing guidance sessions for new students to help them to choose their departments Implementation of training courses and sessions for students wishing to specific departments Preparatory year Departments

Six goal : Improvement in the success rate for students in each department ( at least 5%) compared with previous semester Mean Implementer deadline Cost Creation of a committee to develop curriculum at the college Learning and teaching committee Determine the maximum density of students in classrooms Student AffairsSchedules committee Just before time table preparation design mini company or a hypothical bank for the students of Business Administration Department Business Administration Department

evaluation of the academic performance for 100 % of the faculty members by students and faculty at the end of each semester Learning and teaching committee Training of 50 % of the stuff members on modern teaching strategies each semester Development of a plan to help the unsurpassed students Academic advising

Improvement in the success rate for the preparatory year students in each department at least 5% compared with the previous year Preparatory YearLearning and TeachingAcademic Advising increase in the success rate for students during the whole program at least 5% % compared with the previous semester DepartmentsLearning and TeachingAcademic Advising result of each semester

Development of a system (addition to final tests ) to measure and assess the performance of students at least twice each season in Implementation of , at least two workshops each semester in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Coordinator of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Implementation of two workshops at least in scientific research Implementation of two workshops at least in diction and presentation skills Training unit Design questionnaires for Measuring the satisfaction of students about the academic guidance at the end of each semester Increasing faculty members in particular specialties Academic affairs

Train 100 % of the students on the e-learning Implementation of statistical data on the existing and required resources of learning LibrarianLearning resources committees Design a questionnaire to evaluate the available learning resources Learning resources committeesStatistics committee

Seventh goal : the requirement that 50% of the faculty members use the latest teaching techniques Mean Implementer deadline Cost Train 50 % of the faculty members on the three courses in modern teaching strategies ( Interactive Education Cooperative Education brainstorming ) Dr. Nashwa Evaluation of the application of E-Learning by 50 % of Members Learning and teaching committee departments

: the requirement that 50% of the faculty members use teaching means Learning and teaching committee departments formation of a committee of five employees to follow-up support services to the educational process . ( printers _ papers _ etc.) facilities and equipment committee learninand teaching committee

Eighth goal : the integration of the community in the educational process Mean Implementer deadline Cost The establishment of college Board of Trustees to include representatives of the guidance and of preparatory and secondary schools (maximum of three directors in each academic year ) dean Requirement to harness at least 50% of the graduation projects to serve the surrounding environment Departments Research committee

requirement to participate by 75 % of the researches in all departments in the Scientific Conference Research committee establish of database on the labor market and employment opportunities for students and for the inventory of vacant places Follow-up unit of graduates Hosting at least one of the educational experiences in each semester Learning and teaching committee preparation of 3 Lectures at least for community groups in college and beyond it

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