For The Life of Your Business: Free Mentoring, Training, & Resources for Entrepreneurs This presentation combines national slides and best practice slides from Greater Seattle SCORE. We appreciate the effort of the volunteers in Greater Seattle for sharing their presentation for other chapters to use. If you have a best practice you’d like to share, please email Indianapolis SCORE
What is SCORE? SCORE is America’s small business resource Free & confidential mentoring We help small biz grow Jelly Belly $160mm rev Vera Bradley $288mm rev Over 10 million served since 1964 370,000 assisted this year SCORE is America’s small business resource One-on-one mentoring in person & online. Workshops, seminars & events in your community. Business tools & templates at Visit for more information.
We Help Small Businesses SCORE is a non-profit resource partner of the United States Small Business Administration
SCORE: An Overview About SCORE SCORE was formed in 1964 as a resource partner of the Small Business Administration whose mission is to help aspiring and existing businesses succeed. Since then, we’ve helped over 10 million people in pursuit of their business goals. Visit for more information.
Small Business…Huge Impact SCORE offers over 300 chapters across the nation plus online mentoring and resources
Small Business…Huge Impact SCORE offers over 11,000 volunteer business mentors with expertise in over 62 industries 2+ Million Volunteer Hours Per Year
Small Business…Huge Impact In 2014, SCORE helped Create over 56,000 new businesses Create over 47,000 new jobs Over 50,000 businesses increase revenue
Small Business…Huge Impact Of SCORE’s 2014 Clients: 56% were women 39% were minorities 13% were veterans
How Does SCORE Help? SCORE Mentors are there for the life of the small business cycle by providing: Sound business planning Product and service review Financial insights Marketing and promotion recommendations Resource planning Strategies for starting and improving vendor relationships Guidance on customer care and loyalty programs And more!
Who Does SCORE Help? Startups Pre- Startups Firms in Business for a Year or More Startups Pre- Startups Growth Opening Research & Planning
How SCORE Mentors Help You If you are in the pre-startup or startup phases: Confidentially review your business ideas Explain how to apply for licenses, purchase equipment, lease real estate, etc. Provide info on finding legal and CPA services Help you create a detailed business plan Advise you on business negotiations Coach you through pre-finance preparations SCORE mentors often work in teams to meet your needs.
How SCORE Mentors Help You Mentors can also help prepare you for new growth. Confidentially review and evaluate your business situation Identify your served markets vs new markets Assess product portfolio Assist with SWOT analysis Identify business options Develop your growth strategies
SCORE is here to help you find success as an entrepreneur. How SCORE Can Help You Mentoring: Free face-to-face mentoring in each of its 300+ chapters and also provides online advice through Workshops: Educational sessions on a myriad of topics for entrepreneurs, ranging from business planning to marketing and financing. Roundtables: Facilitated peer sessions in discussing critical business topics. Online Resources: Wide collection of articles, templates, assessments, blogs, and other tools that can be used to learn and implement new strategies. SCORE is here to help you find success as an entrepreneur. Visit for more information. Free…Personailized...Confidential
Workshops Simple Steps for Starting Your Business Learn the Basics. Test the Feasibility of Your Idea A series of pre-business workshops designed to help clients get to a “go or no go” decision for the business. In-class exercises, post-session homework and mentoring are a part of the workshop process. Session 1: Business Basics Session 2: Business Concept Session 3: Marketing Plan Session 4: Financial Projections Session 5: Funding Sources & Next Steps 1st Session FREE Visit for more information.
Workshops Simple Steps for Growing Your Business Customized Training for Those Already In Business Work with a SCORE Mentor to create a personalized growth plan for your business to include one or more of the following business training workshops: Session 1: Business Assessment and Goal Setting Session 2: Marketing Your Business Session 3: Managing Your Time, Your People and Your Resources Session 4: Growing Your Sales Session 5: Financial Management Session 6: Managing Operations Visit for more information.
Business Roundtables & Workshops Sharing Experiences. Learning Together. Connecting In-Business Clients to Foster Success A facilitated event led by a SCORE volunteer, national partner or subject matter expert. These events provide local business owners and future business owners with relevant business information and provide value through access to SCORE resources and services. Also: Provides access to the collective wisdom of entrepreneurs in the local community Offers perspectives from a variety of business owners and experts Helps emerging firms overcome obstacles and seize opportunities Presents an opportunity for attendees to grow their business network Can be customized for participants as needed Visit to get started.
Online Resources Templates. Tips. Blogs. Workshops. Tools for Business Success Available 24/7 Get access to over1,800 templates & tools, 1,000 blog posts, and 100 English and Spanish language workshops to help you start and grow your business. Templates & Tools - Articles, assessments, outlines, templates, and other resources that you can use to learn and implement new strategies SCORE LIVE Webinars - Live ,1-hour presentations by mentors and partners on a variety of small business topics and trends Online Workshops – A business training module archived on SCORE Blogs - Business experts in a number of industries share information on emerging trends and topics facing today’s small business owner SCORE Newsletters - Subscribe to get the latest business information, tips and resources delivered to your inbox Visit to get started.
Online Resources Entrepreneurs’ Favorite Small Business Tools 60% of SCORE clients say these SCORE-mentored tools are very important to the growth of their business. Marketing Plan Business Plan Cash Flow Analysis Financial Strategy Visit to get started. Source: Gallup SCORE Client Outcomes Survey 2010.
Why SCORE Works You Don’t Have to Go It Alone Mentoring provides improved chances for startup and success through one-on-one business coaching. Workshops provide training on critical topics in an environment where you can learn from experts and like-minded entrepreneurs. Online Resources can be your playbook to provide step-by-step outlines for small business strategies. Visit to get started. 19
Why SCORE Works You Don’t Have to Go It Alone Our team of SCORE mentors offers over 300,000 total years of business experience in over 62 industries such as: Sales & Marketing, Manufacturing, Gov’t Contracting, Intellectual Property, Retail & Wholesale Trade, Hospitality & so much more! We’re here for the life of your business – providing free advice for as long as you own your business. Visit to get started. 20
Get Started Today Don’t Wait. Contact us today to Start or grow your business Become a SCORE volunteer Call or visit us online: 800-634-0245 Update with your local contact information.