What is via lactea? VIA LACTEA is a Joint mobility project for ungraduates and staff in the field of Humanities that aims at: Promoting "people-to-people links“ Enhancing mutual understanding between cultures. Combining elements of class work, cultural programming and traineeships to prepare students for a successful integration in the work place. Seeking to diversify teaching methods, open new avenues of collaboration and effectively coordinate and monitor the programme as a coherent whole.
BUT VIA LACTEA IS EVEN MORE…. The project goes beyond a simple comparison of EU and Japan cultures. Framed around a unique transnational theme that is the twinning of two UNESCO World Heritage pilgrim routes which originated in the XI century: the Camino de Santiago in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula and Kumano Kodo in Japan.
THE TWIN PILGRIM ROUTES Camino de Santiago Kumano Kodo
Our japanese visitors enjoying the St. James Way Our japanese visitors in St. James Way Our japanese visitors enjoying the St. James Way
Main features VIA LACTEA is a part of the Industrialised Countries Instrument - Education Cooperation Programme (ICI - ECP) together with EACEA. BUDGET: 190000 € DURATION: 3 years 2014- 2017
Who are the members of the consortium? European Partners Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Universidade de Minho Japanese Partners Kanazawa University Aichi Prefectural University
Aichi Prefectural University Kanazawa University Santiago de Compostela University Aichi Prefectural University Minho University
WHO CAN participate as a beneficiary? STUDENTS Candidates must be undergraduates at one of the partner universities. Students exhibition about Nakaechi and French Ways
WHO CAN participate as a beneficiary? STAFF Academic and administrative staff Staff meeting
Beneficiary requirements Candidates must be registered in a full-time undergraduate course at one of the four home universities: USC, UMINHO, KANAZAWA OR AICHI PREFECTURAL Undertaking studies in the area of Humanities (ISCED code 0.8) Accredited B1 Spanish and or Portuguese, English advisable Copy of Academic record Student letter of motivation Letter of recommendation from a professor
What does this project offer? STUDENTS Full waiver on tuition fees. Duration of mobility: 5 months (spring semester 2015, 2016 or 2017) Student maintenance grant per month approx 100.000 Yen Travel costs 150.000 Yen Shrine (Japan)
What does this project offer? STAFF Grant Amount: 150,000 yen contribution to travel costs and a 100,000 yen allowance per week for staff. Duration of mobility Academic Staff: max 2 weeks Administrative Staff: 1 week Tuna Getting to know the traditional tuna in Minho.
Kanazawa and Aichi Prefectural MOBILITIES The project lifecycle covers three academic years from 2014/15 to 2016/17 for a total of 40 students. Home University Host Universities Mobility semester Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Number of students USC Kanazawa and Aichi Prefectural 3 4 UMinho Kanazawa USC and UMinho Aichi Prefectural
Learning at the archeology center (Japan) hOw can i apply? Your International Office will publish any neccesary information regarding the application proccess to VIA LACTEA Learning at the archeology center (Japan)
WhEN CAN i apply? Calls for applications open at each home university in Autumn semester (September-October) for 5 month mobility periods in the following Spring semester. Tuna Exhibition about the museums in the province of Lugo.
ACADEMIC RECOGNITION ACADEMIC RECOGNITION Participating in VIA LACTEA ensures the mutual recognition of all credits performed in the partner institutions. STUDY AREAS VIA LACTEA is open to students and staff in the field of Humanities.
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