Ms. Bullock 8th Grade Science Lesson Plans Week of October 23-27 * Lessons Plans are subject to change to teacher’s discretion
Monday, Oct. 23, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5A.3 Obtain and communicate information about the relative position, density, and composition of Earth’s layers to describe the crust, mantle, and core. 8 Objective: SWBAT define density and explain how the Earth’s layers vary in density. Classwork: Density Notes (SEPs notebook) Liquid Layers Lab (due Tuesday 10/24 Classwork grade) Start Earth’s Layers Model (due Tuesday 10/24 Classwork grade) Homework: Study Density Notes and Liquid Layer Model
Liquid Layer Lab Corn syrup = pancake syrup for the lab When you have completed the lab, pour the container in the Yellow Dump Bin near Sink 2.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5A.3 Obtain and communicate information about the relative position, density, and composition of Earth’s layers to describe the crust, mantle, and core. 8 Objective: SWBAT define density and explain how the Earth’s layers vary in density. Classwork: Earth’s Layers Model (due Tuesday 10/24 Classwork grade) Earth’s Structure Vocabulary Earth’ Core Video Clip Homework: Study Density Notes and Earth’s Structure Vocabulary and Notes
Earth’s Layers Lab Word Sramble Solid Liquid Core Crust Type Pressure(x2) Densities Complete Question 3 from Further Questions of Liquid Lab on the back of the Earth’s Layer Pizza Slice
Earth’s Structure Vocabulary Do not copy #8 Mesosphere, it is the same as the mantle and I will use the terms interchangeably.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5A.3 Obtain and communicate information about the relative position, density, and composition of Earth’s layers to describe the crust, mantle, and core. 8 Objective: SWBAT explain the physical and chemical composition of Earth’s layers Classwork: Earth’s Structure Notes Homework: Study Density Notes and Earth’s Structure Vocabulary and Notes
Thursday, October 26, 2017 Standard: 8.E.5A.3 Obtain and communicate information about the relative position, density, and composition of Earth’s layers to describe the crust, mantle, and core. 8 Objective: SWBAT explain the physical and chemical composition of Earth’s layers Classwork: Earth’s Structure Discovery Education Board Finish DE Scavenger Hunt due Tuesday 10/31 Homework: Study Density Notes and Earth’s Structure Vocabulary and Notes
Friday, October 27, 2017 Career Guidance will discuss Job Shadow Day with students in Science class.