Color Attribute of a color in presence of light To see color, you have to have light. When light shines on an object some colors bounce off the object and others are absorbed by it. Our eyes only see the colors that are bounced off or reflected. No light = No color
Color Wheel
Primary Colors There are three primary colors: yellow, blue and red. These three colors are the hues that can be mixed to make all other colors. Secondary colors By mixing two primary hues together you create a secondary color. There are three secondary colors: green, violet (purple) and orange. Orange from mixing red and yellow, violet (purple) from blue and red, and green from yellow and blue. Tertiary colors These hues are made by mixing primary and secondary hues. Note: the names for the tertiary colors always begin with the primary color then the secondary color; yellow-orange.
Color Harmony Colors have concrete relations and they can be combined effectively by using the correct harmonies, just like music.
2 colors that sit directly oppossite to each other
WARM VS. COOL COLORS Red Green Blue Orange Violet Yellow Calming and Remind us sunlight and heat Green Blue Violet Calming and Relaxing Remind us water and sky Interactive color wheel:
RGB Model Color model in which red, green and blue light are added together to reproduce many colors. Its main purpose is to display images in electronic devices such as television, computers, etc.
HUE Normally, when we refer coloquially to color, in what we are really thinking is the hue. Are all colors in the color wheel, primary, secondary and intermediates. Without mixing with white or black.
SATURATION Defines the intensity or purity of each color. The values go from the maximum (any pure color), to the minimun that corresponds to a gray hue.
BRIGHTNESS The degree of lightness or darkness of a color When we mix a color with white, gives as a result same color, but lighter
Color psychology Es el significado y emociones que transmite el color. Psicología de color en el cine
References Basic color theory