A little bit about me… Stand up if the statement applies to you – sit back down if it doesn’t! What do you think the purpose of this activity is? I like.


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Presentation transcript:

A little bit about me… Stand up if the statement applies to you – sit back down if it doesn’t! What do you think the purpose of this activity is? I like football I watch Eastenders I walked to school this morning I enjoy reading To introduce the idea of difference as something to be celebrated, encourage students to focus on their similarities and differences by asking students to stand up if one of the statements applies to them. If you don’t want to do a stand up/sit down activity again here you could get students to use their red/green pages in their planners. Then ask: What do they think the purpose of this activity is? What do we learn about each other when we explore our differences? What do we learn about each other when we explore our differences? I can speak two languages I dislike the colour green I like gaming I belong to a Focus Group

Celebrating Difference Learning Objective: To explore why we should celebrate our differences. I can identify why people can feel pressured to look a certain way. I can develop tools for dealing with pressure to fit in. I can understand why our differences should be celebrated.

What do you think? You are going to be shown a number of statements. Show how far you agree or disagree with each statement by showing the numbers 1-5 on your hand. Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree The society you're in can have an impact on your body image. Different cultures all have the same ideals of what is considered to be ‘beautiful’. It doesn’t matter what country you’re from, all teenagers want to look the same. Parents often put pressure on their children to look a certain way. Show students the statements on the PPT. Students need to show how far they agree or disagree with each statement showing their fingers 1-5. 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree. For each response, ask students to explain why they’ve chosen those answers. Ask the students: Who would agree that sometimes we feel the need to be the same as others? Why do you think that is? Would you say that it makes you feel more secure sometimes if you’re not standing out from others and it can feel like you’re part of the crowd? But why could this be a problem? What if you’re not being true to yourself and who you really are? Do you think it could cause issues if you’re trying to be like someone else? Why?

Before and After A young woman sent a picture of herself (without make up or any touch ups) to graphic designers around the world asking them to ‘make her beautiful’. These were the entirely different Photoshop versions that she got back... Write down one thing you were surprised by. Write down one thing you were not surprised by. Show the ‘Before and After’ video explaining the background of the video: A young woman sent a picture of herself (without make up or any touch ups) to graphic designers around the world asking them to ‘make her beautiful’. These were the entirely different Photoshop versions that she got back. After they have watched the video ask them to write down one thing they were surprised by and one thing they were not surprised by and what they think the experiment shows. Link to the idea of celebrating differences and not feeling pressurised into looking a certain why and trying to fit it. What do you think the experiment shows? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT9FmDBrewA

Pressure… The statements above are from teenagers who feel under pressure to look a certain way: Explain that these are statements teenagers have given about the pressure they feel to look a certain way. Ask a volunteer to read out the three statements. Ask students to work in pairs to spend 2-3 minutes answering the questions on the slide in their books. Go through the questions and discuss students’ answers. Ask them to expand on their answers and ask the following: What can the impact of words from our friends and family be on our self-esteem? Do you think that these teenagers should feel ashamed because they don’t fit in with these ideals? Or are our differences something which should be celebrated? Where are the different pressures coming from in these statements? What are the similarities and differences between these three statements? What advice would you give to these teenagers?

Be true to yourself – we are more than just our appearance! Before we move on… Remember: Different cultures have different ideas about what is considered ‘beautiful’, whether it’s in terms of body shape, skin colour or clothing People often feel pressured to fit in with what is considered ‘perfect’ by the society they are in We should celebrate the things that make us different and not feel pressured to fit in Be true to yourself – we are more than just our appearance!

Celebrating Difference Learning Objective: To explore why we should celebrate our differences. I can identify why people can feel pressured to look a certain way. I can develop tools for dealing with pressure to fit in. I can understand why our differences should be celebrated.

Freeze Frames You are going to be working in groups of 3-4. Each group will be given a scenario that you need to act out lasting between 20-30 seconds. You scenario needs to finish with a freeze frame. The class will then get a chance to ask you some questions about your performance and offer your characters advice on how to respond to the pressure they are feeling. Students will be given a scenario to act out. The scenario groups will then lead the discussion which will take place after each scenario. Separate the class into groups of three or four, and give each group one scenario from the PPT. They have five minutes to plan a role play around this scenario. The role plays should be approximately 20-30 seconds long, should involve all members of the group, and should stop halfway through in a ‘freeze frame’. When they end at the freeze frame the group needs to ask the class what questions they have about their role play or the characters and ask the class what advise they would give to the character. They should ask an audience member who has given an answer to intervene in the freeze frame and give that advice to the actor. They can then act out following that advice if they wish.

Freeze Frames Review What does each scenario have in common? What are the characters feeling? What can we learn from this activity?

Celebrating Difference Learning Objective: To explore why we should celebrate our differences. I can identify why people can feel pressured to look a certain way. I can develop tools for dealing with pressure to fit in. I can understand why our differences should be celebrated.

Around the outline write all of the things that make you who you are. #MyTrueSelfie Draw the outline of a head and shoulders on your piece of A3 paper and title the page #MyTrueSelfie. Around the outline write all of the things that make you who you are. Lasagne eater I am a happy person Give each student a piece of A3 paper. They need to draw an outline of a head and shoulders on the piece of paper. Students should then individually add the title ‘#MyTrueSelfie’ to their paper and write around the outline all of the things that make them who they are. Encourage them to use a mixture of words and pictures and to make them as creative as possible. I love musical theatre 13 years old

#MyTrueSelfie Reflection Why do you think it’s important to share and celebrate the things that make us different? Did anyone have exactly the same characteristics and qualities on their selfies? What would it be like if everyone in the classroom had exactly the same? Lasagne eater I am a happy person Students should then sit back down and reflect on what they have learned from that activity. Ask: Did anyone write exactly the same characteristics and qualities on their selfies? What do you think it would be like if everyone in this classroom was exactly the same? Why do you think it’s important to share and celebrate the things that make us different? I love musical theatre 13 years old

Celebrating Difference Learning Objective: To explore why we should celebrate our differences. I can identify why people can feel pressured to look a certain way. I can develop tools for dealing with pressure to fit in. I can understand why our differences should be celebrated.