ENDLESS EDUCATION How to bridge the gap between public and school/academic libraries
Hello! We are… Kate Neff Teacher Librarian Pedro Menendez High School Alexandra Phillips Youth Services Librarian St Johns County Public Library System
How we started It all began in 2012…
Our timeline 2012 – 2013 : former Youth Services Librarian presented at Orientation. 2013 – 2014 : Alex joined; Movie Release Parties started. 2014 – 2015 : Alex promoted to Librarian; Lunchtime gaming began. 2015 – 2016 : Bookmobile began visiting the high school. 2016 – 2017 : Library card applications sent home with ALL students.
How to reach out SAC/Committees/Groups Important for parents and staff to see who you are beyond an email address. Always looking for people to join these committees, why not you? More effective engagement. Shows your commitment to the school! Volunteer Applications/Flyers Drop off at the front office; media center. Introduce yourself to staff & students. Leave business cards with guidance and media center. Offer Programs & Classes Especially at the end of the year! More ideas to follow...
How to plan & organize End of the school year Outline and plan out dates, brainstorm activities. Look at movies coming out and other relevant events. Beginning of the school year Use surveys during orientations to figure out what the students are into and what they want to do. Finalize your dates based on new information.
Movie Release Parties
First one! Catching Fire
End of the year party The Fault in Our Stars
Next year The Maze Runner
And then Mockingjay Part I
The next year Mockingjay Part II
And then The 5th Wave
And finally Allegiant
This year Fantastic Beasts
What to include FOOD. Always food. If you feed them, they will come. Try to pick themed foods if possible. Reach out to local businesses for donations. Trivia / Competition Go to Goodreads and use THEIR trivia questions, don’t reinvent the wheel! Most fandoms have their own Wikis, so you can pull from there, too. Cheap prizes like candy or Oriental Trading stuff works. Crafts & Activities Boys and girls will participate. Adapting for younger audience. PINTEREST is your best friend!
They aren’t all winners Paper Towns A Series of Unfortunate Events Timing is everything! Interest level
Why gaming? Gets them into the school library. Make new friends, blow off steam from classes. Captive audience in low-pressure environment. Positive connotation with public librarian. Share calendar, events, engage on a personal level, see what they’re into, etc.
MARKET YOUR EVENT Text alerts (Remind), Library Facebook page, get students to spread the word, etc.
Evening School Events
Open House Academy Nights STEAM Nights Art Nights Bookfairs Cultural Fairs
Classroom Visits
A variety of opportunities Research & Databases Promote school library and library databases Classes at the library Resources for History Fairs, Science Fairs, etc. Literacy Celebrate Literacy Week and other events Readers’ Theater and read alouds Book talks STEM Robotic classes Utilize your local library consortium for borrowing equipment to try it out Hour of Code
Bookmobile Outreach
Professional Development
Offer your expertise School Media Specialists Meetings In-service Presentations Local Library Consortiums Interest Group Presentations
Any questions? Think of something later? E-mail us! Alex – aphillips@sjcfl.us Kate – kate.neff@stjohns.k12.fl.us @katereadsitall