Session 5 & 6 Business Analysis Techniques Analyst the weakness of existing System Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi By Zulkarnain, Skom Batam, Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Business analysis techniques There are a number of techniques that a Business Analyst will use when facilitating business change. MOST This is used to perform an internal environmental analysis. The four attributes of MOST Mission (where the business intends to go) Objectives (the key goals which will help achieve the mission) Strategies (options for moving forward) Tactics (how strategies are put into action)
Business analysis techniques PESTLE This is used to perform an external environmental analysis. Political (Current and potential influences from political pressures) Economic (The local, national and world economy impact) Sociological (The ways in which a society can affect an organisation) Technological (The effect of new and emerging technology) Legal (The effect of national and world legislation) Environmental (The local, national and world environmental issues)
Step to resolve the problem Problem definition Find the root cause Immediately resolve the problem Permanent Solution Key person
Analyze weakness of existing system by Wilkinson Flexibility (Keluwesan System) Change request should be follow with flexibility. Applicable for every single site Accessibility (kemudahan akses) Access any source data and query capable Capasity (kapasitas dari sistem) Able to store defined data
Timeliness (ketepatan waktu) System in the proper control time Security (keamanan dari sistem) Secure and safe Simplicity (kemudahan sistem digunakan) Easy to use and user friendly Efficiency (efisiensi dari sistem)
Economy (nilai ekonomis dari sistem) Able to reduce cost and support business continuity Relevance (sesuai kebutuhan) Relevance with the goal Reliability (keandalan dari sistem) Accuracy (ketepatan nilai dari informasi)