Population geography
With more than two surviving children per woman, every generation is larger than the preceding one, and population continues to grow. The extent to which high (but falling) fertility rates remain a driving force for population growthMany analysts find it difficult to understand why massive further growth will take place despite declining fertility rates. First, the large decline since the 1960s still leaves fertility about 50 percent above the two-child level needed to stabilize the population. varies by region. It is highest in Africa, with a current fertility rate of 5.3 births per.
woman, and lowest in Asia and Latin America, where fertility has dropped to just below 3 births per woman.
To be effective, population policies should address all sources of continuing growth, except declining mortality. Among the strategies to be considered are the following. High-quality family planning and reproductive health services should be expanded. Unwanted pregnancies occur when women and men who want to avoid pregnancy do not practice effective fertility regulation. Offering individuals and couples appropriate services has been a priority of many governments in the developing world. Despite considerable progress over the last several decades, however, the coverage and quality of family planning services remain less than satisfactory in many countries.
Favorable conditions should be created for small families. Several social and economic measures have substantial effects on desired family size. (1) Increase educational attainment, especially among girls. As economies become less agrarian, the availability of mass education changes the value placed on large families and encourages parents to invest in fewer but “higher-quality” children, capable of entering the emerging labor markets. Higher levels of education are also associated with the spread of nontraditional roles and values, including less gender-restricted behaviors. Educated parents rely less on children for income and old-age support. Educated women want (and have) fewer children with higher survival rates, have higher earnings, and are more able to invest in their children’s nutrition and education.
(2) Improve child health and survival. No developing country has had a sustained fertility decline without first having experienced a substantial decline in child mortality. A high child death rate discourages investments in children’s health and education and encourages high fertility because parents believe that excess births are required to ensure that at least the desired number of children will survive to adulthood. ( 3) Invest in women and provide them with economic prospects and social identities apart from motherhood. Improvements in the economic, social, and legal status of girls and women are likely to increase their bargaining power, giving them a stronger voice in family reproductive and productive decisions. As women’s autonomy increases, the dominance of husbands and other male household members is reduced, as well as the societal preference for men.
As women’s status improves, the value of children as insurance against adversity (for example, in old age) and as securers of women’s Social positions declines.
Bruce j. and Bongaarts j. oct 1998,oxford publicition,V.53