A preview guide Brought to you BY JHS Student Services Dept Course selection 2018-19 A preview guide Brought to you BY JHS Student Services Dept
JHS Student Services Mr. Tim Chipman, assistant principal Mrs. Sherri McLaughlin, School counselor Class 2021 Freshman h-p Mr. saumil thakkar, school counselor class of 2019 freshman a-g Mrs. Megan Waterstraat, school counselor class of 2020 freshman q-z Mr. Joe o’neil, department chair for special education Mrs. Cindy weger, school nurse Mrs. Melissa suttles , student services secretary
JHS Graduation Requirements 4 credits of English 3 credits of Math (Algebra 1 & Geometry Required) 2 Credits of social studies (geography & Us History required) 2 credits of science (biology and A physical science required) 4 credits of Pe/drivers ed/health .5 credits of consumer ed 24 total credits are required for graduation *Class of 2020 and beyond 2.5 credits social studies (geography, civics, Us history) 6 credits earned a year are needed to graduate with your class (class of 2020 and beyond will need one year of 6.5 and the other years 6.0 to graduate with your class)
JHS Vs. College requirements Most Colleges 4 Years English 3 Years Math 3 to 4 Years Math 2 Years Social Studies 3 Years Social Science (same as Soc. Studies) 2 Years Science 3 Years Science 4 credits PE/Health/Drivers Ed. *2.5 years Soc. Studies Class of 2020 and beyond 2 Years of the same Foreign Language at the High School level
Example: 4 Year Plan Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior English 9 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Elective Biology Physical Science or Chemistry Consumer Ed. World Culture Geography Health US History Physical Education Advisory/Lunch Drivers Ed (either 9th or 10th grade) Civics (Class of 2020 and beyond) CVE or CEO *Not for everyone
Schedule Change policy at JHS Students are encouraged to register for subjects they want and need before the master schedule is finalized at the end of the school year. The course description guide should help you determine what to expect in advance as well as information pertaining to course offerings that align with post-secondary goals. Schedule changes will be made for the following reasons: 1. Successful completion of a summer school course 2. Not meeting a pre-requisite course requirement 3. Master schedule conflicts 4. Courses needed to meet graduation requirements 5. A missing requirement for university admissions or post-secondary plan 6. Incomplete schedule
Electives Available To Sophomores Family and Consumer Science Career and Technology Career/Tech Continued Visual Art Modern Language Music Business Foods I Tech. Exploration Intro to Woodworking Intro to Art American Sign Language Music Appreciation Computer Application I Foods II Intro to Ag. Advanced Woodworking Drawing I German Music Theory Computer Applications II Clothing I Horticulture Advanced Carpentry Painting Spanish Orchestra Introduction to Business I Clothing II Greenhouse Small Engines 2D Design (Graphics) Jazz Band Intro to Business II Child Development Plant Science Intro to Auto Intro to Crafts Social Science Symphonic/ Marching Band Accounting Animal Science Intro to Electricity Pottery World History Madrigals Business Law English Intro to Metalworking Intro to Drafting 3D Design (Sculpture) Honors World History Women’s Ensemble Sports Entertainment Marketing Interpersonal Communication Advanced Metalworking 3D Drafting Men’s Ensemble Entrepreneurship Journalism Intro to Welding Civil Engineering Drafting Drivers Education Concert Choir Business Concepts
Electives Available to Juniors Family and Consumer Science Career and Technology Advanced Welding Architectural Drafting Advanced Drawing Music Business Foods I Tech Exploration Intro to Woodworking Visual Art Advanced Painting AP Biology II Music Appreciation Computer Applications I Foods II Intro to Ag Advanced Woodworking Intro to Art Modern Language Zoology Music Theory Computer Applications II Clothing I Horticulture Advanced Carpentry Drawing I ASL I or II Chemistry (Honors, Standard or Fundamental) AP Music Theory Introduction to Business I Clothing II Greenhouse Small Engines Painting Spanish I, II, III or IV AP Chemistry Marching/Symphonic Band Introduction to Business II Child Development Plant Science Intro to Auto 2D Design (Graphics) German I, II or III Physics (Honors, Standard or Fundamental) Orchestra Accounting I Child Care Animal Science Auto Tune-Up Intro to Crafts Social Studies Astronomy Jazz Band Honors Accounting II Child Care Experience Agri-Business Management Auto Service Pottery World History or AP World History English Madrigals Business Law Parenting Intro to Metalworking Intro to Electricity 3D Design (Sculpture) Psychology Interpersonal Communication Concert Choir Sports Entertainment Marketing Adult Living Advanced Metalworking Intro to Drafting Photography American History through Film Journalism Men’s/Women’s Ensemble Entrepreneurship Health Careers Intro to Welding 3D Drafting AP Art History GIS I and/or GIS II Math Computer Programming I, II AP Computer Science Principals
Electives available to Seniors Family and Consumer Science Career and Technology Advanced Welding Architectural Drafting Advanced Drawing Music Business Foods I Tech Exploration Intro to Woodworking Visual Art Advanced Painting AP Biology II Music Appreciation Computer Applications I Foods II Intro to Ag Advanced Woodworking Intro to Art Modern Language Zoology Music Theory Applications II Clothing I Horticulture Advanced Carpentry Drawing I ASL I, II, or III Chemistry: Honors, Standard or Fundamental AP Music Theory Introduction to Business I Clothing II Greenhouse Small Engines Painting Spanish I, II, III, IV or V AP Chemistry Marching/Symphonic Band Business II Child Development Plant Science Intro to Auto 2D Design (Graphics) German I, II, III or IV Physics: Honors, Standard or Fundamental Orchestra Accounting I Child Care Animal Science Auto Tune-Up Intro to Crafts Social Studies Astronomy Jazz Band Honors Accounting II Child Care Experience Agri-Business Management Auto Service Pottery World History or AP World History English 12 or AP Language or AP Literature Madrigals Business Law Parenting Intro to Metalworking Intro to Electricity 3D Design (Sculpture) Psychology Interpersonal Communication Concert Choir Sports Entertainment Marketing Adult Living Advanced Metalworking Intro to Drafting Photography American History through Film Journalism Men’s/ Women’s Ensemble Entrepreneur- ship Health Careers Intro to Welding 3D Drafting AP Art History GIS and GIS II CNA (Basic Nurses Training) Math Algebra II or Honors Algebra II Pre-Calculus or AP Pre-Calculus Stats or AP Stats Calculus or AP Calculus AP Computer Science Principals or Computer Programming I, II, III CVE or CEO
Grade Point Average (GPA) Standard courses are awarded the following grade points: A= 4 points B=3 points C=2 points D= 1 point F= 0 points Honors courses are awarded the following Grade points: A= 5 points b=4 points c= 3 points d= 1 point f= 0 points AP courses are awarded the following grades points: A= 5.5 points b= 4.5 points c=3.5 points d= 1.5 points f= 0 points
Honors Courses at JHS Honors English 9 Honors Spanish III Honors Biology Honors English 10 Honors Spanish IV Honors Chemistry I Honors English 11 Honors Spanish V Honors Physics Honors German III Honors German IV Honors Geometry Honors Music Theory Honors Accounting II Honors Algebra II Honors Music Performance Seminar Honors Economic Survey Honors Pre-Calculus Honors Accounting II
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Available at JHS AP Calculus AP World history AP Statistics AP US History AP Computer Science Principles* AP Art History AP English Language AP Music History AP English Literature Ap biology II AP Chemistry (* denotes new courses for 2018-19 school year)
Course selection dates THE SKYWARD WINDOW TO select Classes WILL BE OPEN FROM Thursday, January 4, 2018 until Thursday, January 11, 2018 After entering your courses in Skyward, turn in your course Selection sheet to student services: the sooner you turn it in, the sooner you will be called to meet with your counselor!
What you will need You will need your skyward username and password for the course selection process This information is available from Mrs. suttles in Student services
College and career readiness Through your conversations with your teachers, your parents, and your school counselors; find the information you need to make the best decisions for you. Visit www.jhs.jsd117.org, student → Student Services → course guide for all course descriptions and pre-requisite information. This is your future!