Cyber R&D Infrastructure


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Presentation transcript:

Cyber R&D Infrastructure 2nd Asia Tier Center Forum Cyber R&D Infrastructure December 2, 2016 Man Hyung Cho/Ph.D Professor of Hannam University

Dr. Man Hyung Cho is a professor of public administration at Hannam University in Korea since 1992. He graduated from Syracuse University with a doctoral degree majoring in public administration. His research has focused on public policy specializing in science & technology policy. He has served as an member for a couple of government committees such as National Research Foundation

S&T Policy Governance Structure President PCAST NSTC Prime Minister MOSF MSIP MTIE DAPM MOE SMBA R&D Agencies(17) KISTEP NRF (National Research Foundation) KEIT NST KIAT R&D Performers (Government Labs, Universities, Industries) MOSF = Ministry of Strategy & Finance

Funding Structure KISTI KREONET GSDC MSIP(Ministry of Science & Technology NST (National S&T Committee ) NRF (National Research Foundation) Basic research Government-funded research institutes Block funding Project-based funding KISTI KREONET GSDC

Research Communities KISTI Data Center ALICE CMS LIGO RENO Genetics ----- KISTI Data Center GSDC

Government-funded Research Institutes KIST is the first GRI in Korea 25 GRIs in 2016

1959. 02. 03 | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute The GRIs are the birthplace of science and technology experts and the cluster of national R&D of Korea. Through the development of new technology and industry, the GRIs are committed to addressing national and societal agenda, including energy and environmental issues while enhancing the SMEs competitiveness. The NST will lead and support the 25 GRIs into research bodies with strong competitiveness in each field. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Addressing Climate Change Issues and Seeking Sustainable Development Leading Green Technology Innovation Green Technology Center Korea Basic Science Institute Strengthening Support of large-scale High-tech Equipment and Research Facilities, Promoting Basic Science by Building Grounds for Science and Technology Development Energy Self Sufficiency and Response to Climate Change Fusion Reactor Development and Commercialization Technology National Fusion Research Institute Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Building Basic Academic Grounds for Science and Technology Development Carrying Out Public Research Projects to Resolve Astronomical Issues From Life Science Research to Bio Industry Leading Improvement of Public Health and Bio Science Development Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and Technology Information Building Digital Science Basis With Customized Information Analysis Service Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine Convergence Research of Traditional Medicine and Science & Technology Nurturing and Development of Advanced Korean Medicine Field-oriented Support for SMEs, Research Institute with Expertise in User-oriented Technology Commercialization Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Driving the Growth as a Leader in IT Industry Securing Core Technology for Information Society Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute High-tech Security Technology R&D Tightened Personal Information Protection and National Security National Security Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology Building a safe, pleasant country Construction R&D enhancing the quality of public life Creating a ‘Megalopolis’ by connecting the nation’s major cities R&D on eco-friendly and sustainable transportation systems Korea Railroad Research Institute Establishment of National Measurement Standards Promoting the industrial competitiveness and securing a better quality of life Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Improving Quality of Life for the Public With Research and Development on Safe and Nutritious Food Korea Food Research World Institute of Kimchi Birthplace of Fermentation Science in Country of Origin for Kimchi World Class Fermentation Food Research Institute Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources Living History of Geoscience Resources Since 1918 Sustainable Energy and Future Resources Development Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Mechanical Engineering to Enrich the World The Center of Convergence Machine Technologies Korea Institute of Materials Science Driving power to become a leader in Materials Industry Incubator to develop Top-tier world-class Materials Technology Korea Aerospace Research Institute Dream for the Sky and Space and Progress to Create Value for Korea Developing Environmentally Friendly Energy Technology for Future Generation, R&D Hub for Climate Change Mitigation Technologies Korea Institute of Energy Research Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute The Leader in High-tech Development to Change the World Enhancement of Competitiveness and Credibility in Electricity Power Eco-friendly Chemical Technology for Sustainable Development Strengthening Competitiveness of Chemical Industry and Resolving National·Social Problems Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology The Global Toxicology Research Institute for The Realization of Public Health and Social Safety Korea Institute of Toxicology Pursuing the Development of Advanced Nuclear Technology to Achieve Self-reliance in Nuclear Technology The Only Multidisciplinary Nuclear R&D Institute in Korea Korea Atomic Energy 1959. 02. 03 | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 1962. 01. 01 | Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information 1966. 02. 10 | Korea Institute of Science & Technology 1974. 09. 13 | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 1975. 12. 24 | Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science 1976. 05. 10 | Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources 1976. 09. 02 | Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 1976. 12. 29 | Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute 1976. 12. 30 | Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute 1976. 12. 30 | Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials 1977. 08. 16 | Korea Institute of Energy Research 1983. 06. 11 | Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology 1985. 02. 01 | Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology 1987. 12. 31 | Korea Food Research Institute 1988. 08. 01 | Korea Basic Science Institute 1989. 10. 10 | Korea Aerospace Research Institute 1989. 10. 12 | Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 1994. 10. 10 | Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine 1996. 03. 02 | Korea Railroad Research Institute 2000. 01. 01 | National Security Research Institute 2002. 01. 01 | Korea Institute of Toxicology 2005. 10. 01 | National Fusion Research Institute 2007. 04. 27 | Korea Institute of Materials Science 2010. 01. 01 | World Institute of Kimchi 2013. 02. 01 | Green Technology Center

Support for University Research Budget (NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea) 4,499,9 KRW bil. = 4 USD bil.

NRF Programs for Basic Research