Salisbury Gets a Festival Find these four places on the local OS map and for each describe their site and situation. Remember what site and situation are? Place 6 Figure Grid Reference Lizzie Gardens 139299 Old Sarum 138328 Hole Farm 183279 Racecourse 103282
Site = the features and characteristics of the actual point at which the settlement (or festival!) is located Situation = refers to the location of the settlement (or festival!) in relation to its surroundings – things like communications, other settlements, rivers, relief
During this lesson, you are in charge of planning a brand new music festival in the Salisbury area of Wiltshire. Your first task is to choose a suitable location for the festival site. Look closely at your OS map.
Choosing your Site Which one do you think would be the best site for a festival? You need to consider the following factors: Accessibility Land-use Relief Proximity to urban areas Flood risk (if possible) Justify why your chosen site is the most appropriate for your festival. (As long as you do this in a sound Geographical manner the site you chose is irrelevant.)
Festival Planning For this activity, you will be working on your own and you will be planning your own festival! This instruction sheet will help you with your planning. It has three activities for your group to complete, which you should divide up between you. The three tasks are: Getting here: write instructions for travelling to the festival site. Going green: write a ‘Green Action Plan' for your festival to ensure it is sustainable. What to see and do: find out what there is to see and do in the local area. More details for these tasks are given on the instruction sheet. In addition, your work will be better if you produce a flood risk map for your festival site using the Environment Agency Website.
Sustainibility A way of living that does not waste resources and look after the needs of today without damaging resources for the future. Or A way of living that does not harm the environment or people’s standard and way of living A way of living that helps to improve people’s lives and the environment