Dear Parents, It is incredible that your sons and daughters are approaching their final weeks with us at Downton Primary School – how time flies! As thoughts turn to new beginnings in September, Mrs Tapner, Mrs Creese and I wish all the children a smooth and happy transition to their new schools, and all the best for whatever the future holds for them. It has been a pleasure working with them in year 6 and a privilege to watch them begin to grow into such lovely young adults. I will miss them! These last few weeks are hectic and demanding ones in Year 6, with transition visits to new schools; a full and exciting curriculum in our school; preparations for the summer show and the leavers’ services. I know your children will continue to impress us with their increasing maturity and high standards of behaviour and politeness in their last few weeks here, and I am sure they will make the most of friendships and the final opportunities offered to them at primary school . I wish you all a very good summer break, and good luck to you also with new schools in September! Jane Heath Homework Literacy and topic homework will continue this term, and will include learning lines and song words for our end of year show, ‘Olivia’ Maths homework will be in the form of open-ended investigations, challenges and puzzles (Please note – this term year 6 will no longer have maths with Mr Judd, as our year 6 timetable becomes rather unwieldy for the final few weeks of term and it is more productive for us to remain together over this time) Spelling – please check your child’s green homework/reading journal for their regular focus words. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June – Geography Week Friday 14th June pm – Science Afternoon South Wilts School – Murder Mystery Wednesday 19th June pm – Sports’ Day Thursday 20th June – The Burgate School Induction Day Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June – TDDays, school closed for pupils Saturday 29th June pm – St Laurence’s Church fete Monday 24th June - Kwik Cricket Festival Trowbridge Wednesday 26th June 4.00pm – Area Athletics, Salisbury Tuesday 2nd July – Induction day Grammar Schools and the Trafalgar School Thursday 4th July - Leavers’ Service, Salisbury Cathedral 9.30 – 3.00pm Monday 8th July, 6pm start – music soiree Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th July – parents’ evenings Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 Rounders’ Tournament St Edmund’s School Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July, 6.30pm start – end of year show, ‘Olivia’ Friday 20th July,1.30pm start – end of year service, St Laurence’s Church