Katherine Rivera 3rd per Oxygen Science Project
8. O History Oxygen Oxygen occurs as an elementary substance in two allotropic varieties: the natural oxygen (second constituent of the air) and the ozone. It also forms a great variety of compounds and, in the combined state, it is the most abundant element of the terrestrial crust (in the silica and silicates form) and of the oceans (in water). Oxygen reacts with some complex transition metals which act as transporters of the substance, i.e., they capture and give O2 in a reversible way. Some of these complex metals constitute prosthetic groups of indispensable proteins to the metabolic process of breathing. That is the case of the hemoglobin and of certain hemocyamines that are natural carriers of oxygen.
Periodic Table Without oxygen you wouldn't be able to survive.. Almost all living things need oxygen. They use this oxygen during the process of creating energy in living cells. Without oxygen you wouldn't be able to survive.. Atomic Weight 15.9994 Density 1.429 g/l[note] Melting Point -218.3 °C Boiling Point -182.9 °C Full technical data
Facts about Oxygen!! Characteristics: Oxygen in its common form (O2) is a colorless, odorless and tasteless diatomic gas. Oxygen is extremely reactive and forms oxides with nearly all other elements except noble gases. Oxygen is the 3rd most abundant element by mass in the Universe, behind Hydrogen and Helium, and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Oxygen provides us with 90% of our nutritional energy, with just 10% coming from the food we eat. The more our cells are saturated with stabilized oxygen the lower is the wear and tear that occurs in the body. Hence, oxygen is one of the most important anti- aging substances.