SSP4060 Sports Principles and Techniques - Football Christian Edwards


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Presentation transcript:

SSP4060 Sports Principles and Techniques - Football 2014-2015 Christian Edwards

Introduction Sessions Aims Develop the technique of dribbling, turning and running with ball. To highlight the key coaching competencies needed to deliver the session

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Dribbling in football enables the player to maintain control of the ball while running past opponents. However, acknowledging that dribbling is a key component in attacking play the player must also distinguish that excessive dribbling can be detrimental to overall team play (Luxbacher, 2014)

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball There is no real style to dribbling There are however, 3 common ways in which dribbling is used in game situation -To penetrate past or bypass an opponent -Dribbling for control to keep possession -Dribbling for speed into open spaces (Wade, 1997) Players can express themselves in many ways to achieve their desired outcome.

Dribbling, Turning & Running with ball In order to successfully beat an opponent there are 3 distinct phases: Preparation Execution Follow Through (Lennox et al., 2006) To facilitate student engagement ask give the a couple of minutes to discuss and then ask questions. Get them to work in 3’s or 4th’s

Dribbling, Running & Turning with the ball Preparation 3 Key Coaching Points Dribble directly at opponent Maintain balance & control Head up looking at opponent (Luxbacher, 2014) Again, to facilitate student engagement ask give the a couple of minutes to discuss and then ask questions. Get them to work in 3’s or 4th’s Get them to write these down

Execution 4 Key Coaching Points Dribble at defender with speed Deceptive body movement Sudden change of speed to unbalance defender Push ball past defender

Dribbling, Running & Turning with the ball Follow through 2 Coaching points Accelerate past defender Take most direct route to goal Again, to facilitate student engagement ask give the a couple of minutes to discuss and then ask questions. Get them to work in 3’s or 4th’s Get them to write these down

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Dribbling to maintain possession is also vital skill that is needed for all players. By combining sudden changes of speed, direction and faint foot work players are able to unsettle opponents to keep possession of the ball (Lennox et al., 2006

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Dribbling to maintain possession Preparation: Low centre of gravity, knees bent, close control Head up for spacial awareness

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Execution Use deceptive, foot & body movements to unsettle opponent Control ball with appropriate surface of foot Position body between ball and opponent

Follow Through Maintain close control of ball at all times Move away from pressure Release ball to team mate. (Luxbacher, 2014)

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Dribbling for speed Preparation: Head up and look forward Upright running position Push ball ahead but with control

Dribbling, Running & Turning with the ball Execution Use outside surface of foot to control ball Push ball out in front but under control Take most direct route to goal

Dribbling, Running & Turning with the ball Follow Through Use long, smooth running strides Accelerate to the ball and push again out in front

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Although only three types of dribbling skills have been discussed there are many ways to dribble, depending on which position you play in. However, Mielke (2003) suggests that only when a player masters that ability to dribble effectively that their contribution to team play is greatly enhanced.

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball When dribbling the ball to either deceive an opponent, keep possession or to run at high speed there is often a need for players to use a trick, feint or turn. In groups, discuss how many ‘turns’ you know and the key coaching points of each 10 mins

Dribbling, Turning, Running with the ball Turns The Inside hook We will concentrate on four basic turns. The inside hook The outside hook The drag back The Cruyff

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Inside hook – Coaching Points shorten your strides as your approach your turning point. Reach around the furthest side of the ball with the inside of your foot. 1 sharp cut with the inside of your right foot; turn your body 180 degrees. Pivot on your standing foot to face back in the direction from which you came, accelerate away from opponent

Dribbling, Running & Turning with the ball The outside hook

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Outside hook – Coaching points Plant your left foot and reach around the furthest side of the ball with the outside of your right foot. Next, pull your toes up and turn your right foot as far to the right as possible. 1 sharp cut with the outside of your right foot; flick the ball 180 degrees in the opposite direction Then turn your whole body back toward the ball, and remember to lean your body into the turn.

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball The drag back

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball The drag back – Coaching points Plant your left foot alongside ball and place your right foot directly on top of ball Next, roll the ball backwards with the sole of your right foot with enough momentum that it rolls at. least two yards back. Be sure to open up your shoulders as you drag the ball and allow the ball to roll across in front of your feet. Then turn keeping your eye on the ball at all times and push ball away from your feet.

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball The Cruyff Turn

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball The Cruyff Turn – Coaching Points Step toward the ball and plant your left foot alongside the ball. Instead of kicking, swing your right leg over the ball and hook it around the far side of the ball until your right knee is turned inwards toward your left knee. Be sure to exaggerate your arm swing when you fake kicking the ball. Then flick the ball back through your legs with the inside of your right foot. Spin to your left, keeping your body low accelerate away

Dribbling, Turning & Running with the ball Summary There are varying skills needed to execute effective dribbling and turning practices. Key to each component is the ability of the player to keep the ball under control and in close contact to the body. Those that have the ability to execute these drills in a successful manner have more impact on the game in general. (Mielke, 2003).