Begin with the End in Mind Class of 2022 Begin with the End in Mind
Talk the Talk Post Secondary Workforce Readiness(PWR): at the end of high school will you be ready to _________________
Talk the Talk Grade Point Average (GPA): 0-4: unweighted 0-5: weighted Honors 4.5 (A) AP 5 (A) Work Ethic, Values, Life Experiences
Talk the Talk Individual Career and Academic Plan ICAP How are you preparing for what happens after High School: academics, athletics, extra curricular activities, work experience, community service, leadership
Talk the Talk Coronado Graduation Requirement Credits: 1credit for every class you pass with a D or better 46 total to graduate Algebra 1 Biology Demonstrate Proficiency of content on Standardized Test ICAP Post Secondary Requirements Most post secondary pathways (4 year College) will require more than the minimum grad requirements. Prepare for ACT/SAT and other entrance exams
VS In Middle school you had conversations around your interests and possible careers that aligned with those. In high school you need to dig deeper and put your ideas about your future into action Needs: the basic necessities in life Wants: what you would like to have in your life in addition to basic needs How hard are you willing to work to make your wants a reality??
Needs vs Wants Needs Wants Shelter Smart Phone Food Car Transportation Health Insurance A paycheck Wants Smart Phone Car Nice Clothes House Vacations Family/Partner In Middle school you had conversations around your interests and possible careers that aligned with those. In high school you need to dig deeper and put your ideas about your future into action Needs: the basic necessities in life Wants: what you would like to have in your life in addition to basic needs How hard are you willing to work to make your wants a reality??
Self School Career Values Needs Wants 4 vs 30 years Success Work Ethic Paycheck Wants Needs Values
Quick Reality Check If your Current grades/credits were your income. . . A: $30.00 per hour B: $22.00 per hour C: $10.00 per hour D: $8.23 per hour (minimum wage 2015) F: $5.00 per hour (poverty) Could you SURVIVE!!!! Would your “needs” be met and what “wants” could you obtain?
Post Secondary Options Associates Degree 2 years Community College (PPCC) Bachelors Degree 4-5 years College (UCCS) Military Academy
Post Secondary Options Professional Certificates 2 year schools Trade Schools Apprenticeships Skills Military Air Force Marines Navy Army
The time is now! Continue to think Big! High school will get you there Set yourself up for greatness