Renewable Village -Feldheim is the first community in Germany to become energy self-sufficient. It is located in the city of Treuenbrietzen, far away 80 km from South of Berlin. -It has 150 inhabitants and most of them work as farmers. -It has a solar, a wind and a biogas park that produces energy for the whole village and the residents pay for the energy a minimun price. PAGE ; german village Feldheim the country's first community to become energy self-sufficient Berlin Feldheim
Inhabitants and Mayor's opinion Petra Richter, 51, (life-long resident of Feldheim) said the villagers are immensely proud of what they have accomplished : « It's unique that in such a short time we all got on board, and that everyone had the chance to help make this a reality. » The Mayor's Peter Mahl opinion : For explain the success story permit to the village to be know to the international isn't very long : « The project had done at the good moment. » PAGE ; german village Feldheim the country's first community to become energy self-sufficient
Profitable Europe financed 50%of this project. The rest has been payed by the Feldheim energy society with a credit on 15 years Almost all the inhabitants enlist in the project for 10 years : Only 2/40 aren't convinced. But in exchange Feldheim's inhabitant pay the minimum price for electricity ! In Feldheim the kilowatt/hour costs only 16,6 cents while it costs 28 cents in the rest of Germany. They produce today more than the village needs : with only the wind turbines they can supply 40 000 houses. PAGE ; german village Feldheim the country's first community to become energy self-sufficient
THE MAIN REASON This project started because the price of corn had fallen down so it was not profitable for the farmers to grow this plant, in order to solve this bad economic situation they accepted the idea to install a biogas park and they continued growings corn and mixed it with others materials for biogas plant.
History Michael Rasheman (wind turbines park's promoter) decided as part of his studies he 'd like to install some wind farms in Feldheim in 1995. With the support of local council, Feldheim's 150 residents were quickly convinced of the wind farms merits. Village now attracts thousands of ecotourists every year