How to Request a Signatory Role
What is a Signatory user? A Signatory (40 CFR § 122.22) is a person associated with a Permittee that is responsible for signing and submitting DMRs on behalf of an organization. In order to sign and submit DMRs you must be either a Responsible Official (RO) or a Duly Authorized Representative (DAR). Signatories can also perform the following tasks: view, edit and delete DMRs import DMRs view CORs, permits and users download blank DMR forms Note: Before a Signatory can sign and submit DMRs, they first must sign and submit a Subscriber Agreement (SA) to the Regulatory Authority. This can be done electronically or via paper.
RO or DAR? (Signatories Only) Are you a Responsible Official (RO) or a Duly Authorized Representative (DAR)? Responsible Officials are authorized to sign and submit DMRs themselves (in accordance with 40 CFR 122.22) Duly Authorized Representatives are authorized to sign and submit DMRs on behalf of a Responsible Official When Requesting Access as a Signatory, DARs will need to enter the Responsible Official Information to complete the Subscriber Agreement
Signatory Access Role (Responsible Official)
To get Request Access Click on “Request Access” to type in the permit you want to have Signatory access to.
Insert Permit ID and Role Type in Permit ID Click “Update” Next, click on drop-down list Click “Signatory” Click “Add Request”
Submit Request Make sure you typed in the correct Permit ID and Role. If correct, click Submit.
Select Radio Button for Responsible Official Click on employer's relationship to facility. Click on first radio button if you are the RO.
Paper or Electronic Signature Click either sign electronically or sign via paper.
Paper Signature Upon clicking “Sign via Paper”, a pop-up window with your SA will appear. Click on print.
Final Print
Where to mail Subscriber Agreement Once signed, mail Subscriber Agreement (SA) to your Regulatory Authority (RA). You can find your RA’s mailing information on the bottom of SA form.
Approving/ Denying Paper Subscriber Agreement RA accesses NetDMR to approve/deny pending Signatory access role. Note: Paper process can take several weeks to complete.
Electronical Signature Upon clicking on “Sign Electronically”, a pop-up box will appear confirming you have chosen to sign your Subscriber Agreement electronically. As an RO, your request will be sent directly to your RA via email. Click on Sign Electronically to sign SA.
Electronical Signature Complete the following steps for authorization: Enter password to start authenticate eSignature process. Answer security question Click on “Sign”
Route to RA After signing SA, a message will appear confirming your electronical signature.
Signatory Access Role (Duly Authorized Representatives)
Prerequisites User must be User Type: Permittee (signature). DAR MUST first consult with RO to determine if RO will sign Subscriber Agreement via electronic process or paper process. If RO will sign electronically, RO will be required to create a CDX account. If RO does not want to create a CDX account, RO must sign paper Subscriber Agreement, which forces the DAR to submit paper Subscriber Agreement. Signatory must be first person to request access to a Permit ID. Regulatory Authority must approve all Signatory requests.
To get Request Access Click on “Request Access” to type in the permit you want to have Signatory access to.
Insert Permit ID and Role Type in Permit ID Click “Update” Next, click on drop-down list Click “Signatory” Click “Add Request”
Submit Request Make sure you typed in the correct Permit ID and Role. If correct, click Submit.
Enter Responsible Official Information Jane Doe Manager 202-123-4567 Click on employer's relationship to facility. Click on second radio button if you are the DAR. Make sure to type in your RO's email address correctly.
Paper or Electronic Signature Click either sign electronically or sign via paper.
Paper or Electronic Signature Remember, this determination( to sign via paper of electronically) is made in consultation with your RO. If RO requires paper, DAR must choose Sign via Paper. If RO requires electronic, DAR must choose Sign Electronically.
Paper Signature Upon clicking “Sign via Paper”, a pop-up window with your SA will appear. Click on print.
Final Print
Where to mail SA As a Duly Authorized Representative, your Responsible Official must sign your request before it is sent to the Regulatory Authority. You can find your RA’s mailing information on the bottom of SA form. Your status will be Pending until your request is approved by the Regulatory Authority.
Approving/ Denying Paper Subscriber Agreement RA accesses NetDMR to approve/deny pending Signatory access role. Note: Paper process can take several weeks to complete.
Electronic Subscriber Agreement For DAR to submit the Subscriber Agreement electronically, the Responsible Official (RO) must have a CDX account and access to the NetDMR Program Service. If RO chooses to submit Paper Subscriber Agreement, DAR must also sign paper. Paper and Electronic process cannot be mixed. Electronic submission of Subscriber Agreement is much faster than paper. It can take only a few minutes to complete
Electronical Signature Upon clicking on “Sign Electronically”, a pop-up box will appear confirming you have chosen to sign your Subscriber Agreement electronically. Click on Sign Electronically to sign SA. Note: As a DAR, your RO must have access to NetDMR to approve request before it is sent to RA.
Electronical Signature Complete the following steps for authorization: Enter password to start authenticate eSignature process. Answer security question Click on “Sign”
Route to RA After signing SA, a message will appear confirming your electronical signature.