Texas Governor I GOVT 2306, Module 8
Question Gov. Greg Abbott Who heads the executive branch of Texas state government? Gov. Greg Abbott
Governor of Texas The governor heads the executive branch of Texas state government.
Ann Richards, Governor from 1991-1995 Qualifications American citizen Resident of the state for five years preceding election At least 35 years of age Who is this person? Ann Richards, Governor from 1991-1995
Is the list of U.S. presidents more diverse or less diverse? Texas Governors Is the list of U.S. presidents more diverse or less diverse? All white All but two (Miriam Ferguson and Ann Richards) men All but one, Greg Abbott, have been Protestants Most well-to-do business people or lawyers Most have public service experience Bill Clements (1979-1983, 1987-1991) was the first Republican governor in nearly a century Who is this guy?
Term of Office How does this compare with the president? The governor’s term is four years and there is no limit to the terms a governor may serve. Rick Perry became governor in January 2001 when George W. Bush resigned to become president. He served until 2015. Why are Texas governors often nationally prominent political figures? Who is this guy?
Impeachment and Removal The governor can be removed through the impeachment process. The House impeaches by majority vote and the Senate votes to remove by a two-thirds vote. Jim Ferguson was impeached and removed. Subsequently, his wife, Miriam, ran for governor and was elected. How does this compare with the U.S. president?
Former Democratic Governor Mark White (1983-1987) Staff Support The governor has a chief of staff, general counsel, and press secretary. The governor’s office also includes administrative units dealing with legislative matters, communications, budgeting and planning, and criminal justice. Former Democratic Governor Mark White (1983-1987) Who is this guy?
Powers and Responsibilities
Legislative Powers The governor delivers a state of the state address at the beginning of a legislative session. The governor can fast track certain items by declaring them legislative emergencies. The governor has the power of the veto, which is an action by the chief executive of a state or nation refusing to approve a measure passed by the legislature. If the governor objects to a bill passed by the legislature, the governor has 10 days to act unless the legislature adjourns during that time. In that case, the governor has 20 days from adjournment in which to decide to issue a veto.
Governor Abbott’s Emergency Items Research funding for universities: “My budget jump-starts the process of elevating Texas higher education into the highest echelons by committing a half billion dollars to enhance research programs and attract nationally-recognized researchers and Nobel Laureates to Texas universities.” Ethics: “Things like requiring elected officials to disclose contracts they have with public entities, prohibiting lawmakers from voting on legislation from which they could profit and more disclosure of campaign finance information.” Emergency items can be considered in the first 60 days of a session.
Abbott’s Emergency Items Border security: Abbott called for more than doubling state spending on a comprehensive border security plan built around recruiting, training and deploying 500 additional state troopers to the border. Transportation: Abbott called for $4 billion in additional spending for roads. Early childhood education: Abbott wanted to increase funding for pre-K.
Does the president have this power? Line-item veto The governor also enjoys the power of the line-item veto, which is the authority of the governor to veto sections or items of an appropriation bill while signing the remainder of the bill into law. The power is limited to the appropriation bill, which is a legislative authorization to spend money for particular purposes. Does the president have this power? No
Overrides The legislature overrides a veto by a two-thirds vote of both houses, voting separately. The governor of Texas has not had a veto overridden in 40 years. That is a much better record than the president. Why do you think that is so? Most vetoes take place post adjournment when the legislature has no opportunity to override.
Special Sessions The state constitution empowers the governor to convene the legislature in special sessions that may last no longer than 30 days. The constitution declares that in a special session the "legislature may consider only those matters that the governor specifies in the call or subsequently presents to the legislature."
Governor Perry was able to name every state appointee. Appointive Powers The governor has extensive powers of appointment. The governor is responsible for staffing positions on more than 150 state administrative boards and commissions that set policy for state agencies under their authority. For example, the governor appoints the Commissioner of Insurance, who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance. Furthermore, the Texas Constitution empowers the governor to fill vacancies in many otherwise elective positions, including district and appellate judgeships, should openings occur between elections. A governor makes about 3,000 appointments during a four-year term. Governor Perry was able to name every state appointee.
Governors Appoint Friends The members of the board of regents of the University of Texas and the Texas A&M University systems in particular read like a “Who’s Who” of major political supporters of recent governors. Governor Perry accepted millions in campaign contributions from individuals he named to be regents of college and university boards.
Limitations on Power Appointments require two- thirds vote of confirmation by the Texas Senate Most appointees serve fixed terms and the governor has little power of removal. Many positions specify detailed qualifications. Appointees named between legislative sessions serve until the Senate next convenes.
Senatorial Courtesy in Texas Senatorial courtesy is a custom of the Texas Senate that allows individual senators a veto over nominees who live in their districts. By tradition, senators will vote against a nominee if the senator from the district in which the nominee lives declares opposition to the nomination. State Senator John Whitmire, D. Houston
Quiz The governor can use the line item veto with which of the following bills? A bill to allow campus carry The appropriation bill A bill to reduce property taxes All of the above The answer is B.
What You Have Learned What are the qualifications of the office of governor? What are the backgrounds of governors of Texas? What is the term of office of the governor? What is the process for impeaching and removing a governor? What are the legislative powers of the governor? What are the appointive powers of the governor?