Smart system for Waste water treatment management Shaimaa Ahmed
One of the main challenging in wastewater treatment is the mixing between Gray water and sewage water, because the size of sewage water increases thus time, cost & energy required for treatment. Gray water is all of the wastewater that comes from washer, sinks, bathtub or shower. Sewage water is water coming from the toilets
The new management system divide the process of collecting wastewater to two systems or two pipe system, where one collects gray water and the other collect sewage water.
Clean water Gray water Sewage water Small unit to treat gray water Small unit to treat gray water Gray water Clean water Sewage water
Gray water usage Part of Gray water can be recycled in the basement of the building and reused in providing water for toilets water The recycling unit in the basin depends on the geothermal energy to vapor gray water. Vapors can be collected and produce fresh water. (this will take time so we will use part of the gray water)
a Gray water going to the treatment unit Treated water that is going to be reused
Other usages Swage water It can be used for house garden irrigation For housing areas, the rest of gray water can be collected and treated and then reused in public garden. In addition, gray water is more cleaner than the sewage water, thus gray water treatment is easier and safer to be used in agriculture activities . Gray water Gardens Small unit to treat gray water
GIS/GPS usages GIS/GPS system is required for water quality assurance and management. It is important to have devices in main treatment units to conduct regular sampling for both gray and sewage water. These devices collect the main data about water parameters in the wastewater treatment system.
These devices are linked with online GIS system that enable health and city officers to monitor the treatment process and to fix any problem before it accumulate.
GPS system is essential to monitor any water leakage GPS system is essential to monitor any water leakage. In addition, it is a need to estimate the water quantity required to be reused in each building, gardens and public gardens. Only part of the gray water is going to be reused in buildings.
Sewage water treatment The treatment units are allocated outside the city and the main energy source are solar energy generated by solar plants or courtyards units (another idea that was posted by me) The whole treatment process can be done using Courtyard wind energy and thermal energy magnified by lenses which is installed in domes
Example to the system Vault contain lenses That magnifies solar rays Dome contain lenses That magnifies solar rays Energy generated by wind Area covered by isolated materials at night sand Underground Courtyard sand
Individual share GIS and GPS system also can calculate how much clean water gallons is consumed by each individual ( average value based on the house water system) GIS/GPS system located in the sewage water treatment also can calculate average water waste is produced and cost of energy ..etc Based on that the system in later phases can limit the average individual consumptions
How? Each bathroom and kitchen can supply a certain amount of water and this system is controlled by GIS/GPS system. This is for environmental needs and if water is needed, an online system can facilitate that and the family has to pay more money to get more water.
Advantages Less clean water usage in houses and in garden irrigation Less time, cost, energy and effort for sewage water treatment. More control and easier management because of sensing devices attached to treatment units Healthier environment because less sewage water equals less risk for leakage and less health risk
Challenges This system has to be implemented gradually in order to overcome any challenges such as People culture. Cost. GIS/GPS problems.