“Eternally Optimistic” (It’s time to rejoice) Romans 5:1-11 #14 Romans Series Grace Baptist Church 3/30/14 AM “Eternally Optimistic” (It’s time to rejoice)
Paul has shown that all have sinned - all need the gospel. Once a person accepts Jesus’ death and resurrection by faith, God declares that person righteous - that’s justification. It is instantaneous and a once-for-all act of God, that carries continual blessings for the believer.
The passage looks in 3 directions past and present in verse 1, and future in verse 9. The passage presents at least 3 blessings or benefits: peace, grace, and joy. The passage displays 3 levels or bursts or rejoicing. A knowledge of God’s blessings and benefits of a secure salvation stirred Paul’s attitude. His heart was excited when he realized and was able to share the new position he had in Christ.
We need to rejoice in our salvation today.
I. Rejoicing in Hope (vs. 1,2) We will see God in His Glory! “Glory of God”- a manifestation of the divine nature. As rays or brightness of the sun The glory of the Lord displays aspects of His character. We understand Jesus Christ as the revelation of God’s glory! John 1:14 “The Word was made flesh…and we beheld His glory” We will be changed into the image of Christ reflecting His glory! John 17:22 “The glory You have given me I have given them” Col. 3:10 “Put on the new man…renewed…after the image of Him” I John 3:2b “When He shall appear we shall be like Him” Romans 8:28,29 II Cor. 3:18 – “Beholding His glory are changed …” The first level of rejoicing takes place when we realize that God is committed to our spiritual development now – and completing it in heaven!
But I think – I feel – I don’t feel… This is a guarantee of the continued work of God in our lives. We are not saved by grace and then preserved by human effort or human goodness. Phil. 1:6; Jude 24; Gal. 3:3 “We fall into sin, but our sin is not more powerful than God’s grace! Standing in grace we are in the sphere of constant forgiveness.” (This is not an excuse. The purpose of salvation is to free us from sin!) JMcA “To doubt my salvation is to doubt God’s integrity and His power.” It also adds my merit to God’s unmerited work. It also adds self-trust to trust in the Lord. II Timothy 1:12; Rom. 8:31-34; John 6:37; JMcA There is a change taking place – a change into His image – Glory upon Glory! Sanctification NOW. Glorification LATER!
II. Rejoicing in Tribulation (vs. 3-10) Tribulations – Thipsis – literally meant “being under pressure” and was used to describe the squeezing of olives in a press to extract the oil, and the squeezing of grapes for their juice. These tribulations are not common human troubles but what a Christian suffers for his Lord. II Timothy 3:12 – “All who live godly…will suffer” Matt. 5:10-12 – “Blessed … when you are persecuted for righteousness sake…rejoice…”
Not joy because of “squeezing” but joy through… Tribulation is a means to an end It brings about the development of character that could come no other way. Perseverance- stability- the ability to remain stable during trying times. Proven character- reliability- approved- purified metal, waste burned off Hope- that does not disappoint Why doesn’t that hope disappoint? Because the love of God has been poured out lavishly to overflowing; (not drops, but torrents) in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. God’s love is involved in our tribulations changing our hearts. God’s love = the death of Christ for us while we were still in our sins. God’s love = justification through Christ’s blood + salvation from wrath. God’s love = reconciliation > enemies now friends thru Christ’s death. God’s love = victory over sin’s power today through Christ’s life. My tribulations bring me face to face with the love of God- so I can rejoice through them. Romans 8:18, 21,23 We are destined for affliction – don’t waste the opportunity!!!!!!!!
III. Rejoicing in God (vs. 11) The highest level of rejoicing is worship and adoration “Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” The secret of rejoicing is having the right focus. My circumstances should not get me down- they are the pathway to Christlikeness! The willingness to focus involves having the right attitude. Teachable, humble attitudes are thankful even during the worst of times. With such an attitude we can focus better on what God is really doing. The result of a right attitude is an eternal optimism. Going under God’s loving chisel can bring contagious, enduring joy.
We rejoice in: Hope Tribulation God Because of our salvation!