WHO’S IN STUDENT SERVICES? Office Assistant: Ms. Champagne Counsellors: A-B………Ms. Bhotoia C-J……….Ms. Ladwa K-O………Ms. Keldo-McDonald P-Z……...Ms. Mandavia
KEY POINTS TO CONSIDER 40 by 11 Start your pathway and career research now! Choose courses wisely for graduation and your future pathway requirements Have a back up plan! Complete your 40 hours community involvement by gr. 11 40 by 11
Pathways University? College? Apprenticeship? World of Work?
CAREER PLANNING Get to know yourself—interests as they relate to pathways programs and careers Internet research using: - www.myblueprint.ca/peel - www.careercruising.com Exploration of workplace, apprenticeship, college, and university options Personal counselling to discuss your future goals
WWW.MYBLUEPRINT.CA/peel Complete surveys…get personalized results…the more surveys you complete the stronger your matches Hilary
WWW.MYBLUEPRINT.CA/peel GET MATCHES TO: High school courses Post-secondary programs Careers
WWW.CAREERCRUISING.COM Career Matchmaker Career Exploration Education and Training Employment Info. …and much more Username: peel Password: arbour
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 30 credits 18 compulsory 12 optional Literacy Requirement 40 Hours of Community Involvement
GRADE 9's CHOOSING GRADE 10 COURSES Must select 8 credits This includes: 1 English 1 Math 1 Science 1 History .5 Civics .5 Career Studies And 3 other optional courses FIVE courses
THINKING OF CHANGING COURSE LEVEL? Example: -academic to applied -applied to academic -locally developed to applied Check the Common Course Calendar Once a student starts in one pathway, it is possible to change paths. After grade 9, Cross-over materials are provided to help students make the transition. After grade10 Students are required to take transfer courses to switch paths. Questions…ask your guidance counsellor
THREE (3) OPTIONS… ARTS Dance Drama Drama in the Community Media Arts Music-Band Music-Percussion Visual Arts Visual Arts—Crafts FAMILY STUDIES Introduction to Family Studies
THREE (3) OPTIONS… HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Healthy Active Living Education—Male and Female Fundamentals of Soccer and Ball Hockey—co-ed TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES Communications Technology Computer Engineering Construction Technology Green Industries Hospitality Transportation Technology Co-ed and female only class options
Accessing MyBlueprint At home/online At school - network Visit www.louisearbourss.ca Click on the myBlueprint icon Email = Your Peel Board email - student number@pdsb.org Password = Your student number (if you have not changed it) Login to school network Open internet explorer Click on BYOD Select Resources Open myblueprint
PLAN YOUR COURSES Click on High School to begin choosing your courses
CHOOSE YOUR COURSES If you plan to take a compulsory course in summer school, select another course in that ‘box’ If you plan to take the course in summer school DO NOT select it.
LASS specific course description COURSE DESCRIPTIONS LASS specific course description Click on the course General course description available when you click on a course
Go to www.louisearbourss.ca Click on the Department Click on the course of interest
GRADUATION STATUS Allows you to see the credits you have earned—which compulsory credits you still need. This is a good to look at so you know where you stand with your credits. Enter note if you plan to take a compulsory in summer school—do NOT select it for course selection
SUBMIT SELECTIONS Allows you to see the credits you have earned—which compulsory credits you still need. This is a good to look at so you know where you stand with your credits.
SUBMIT SELECTIONS Fill in the comment if you are going to take a compulsory course in summer school Allows you to see the credits you have earned—which compulsory credits you still need. This is a good to look at so you know where you stand with your credits.
Sign and Return to Your Home Room Teacher VERIFICATION FORM Sign and Return to Your Home Room Teacher Due: Jan. 16th, 2017
THINGS TO REMEMBER Course Planning: Dec. 6 – Dec. 18 Course Submission: Dec. 19 – Jan. 16 Your Counsellor can help you Talk to your teachers and your parents Make your choices carefully The courses you select now will determine what will be offered next year! Deadline: January 16, 2017
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