Using Orbis to find company information New interface
What Orbis covers 258,000 very large global companies (private companies) Company financials and employees Global ratios Corporate structures / ownership Peer analysis Patent/trademark data M&A (basic info. See also MarketLine Company Prospector) Search Investment and Advisory Prospector – search Booker Jan 1-Feb 1 2017 (deal with Tesco example)
Currently, we are using the older interface as the default Currently, we are using the older interface as the default. To select the new interface, follow the ‘click here’ link after signing in to the database
From search page, enter company name in main search box
Select the company you wish to view
Explore the topics at the bottom of the screen or view the different sections
From the results page, you can add another company into the search in exactly the same way (this is needed for a peer analysis).
From the main search page (or the results page following a search) you can use the filters to create your own guided search. Choose from the criteria, decide your parameters and add to your search as you go.
Other features are available in the new interface, including the reports to see the headline data relating to the company and tools section, which enables you to present your results in different formats.