Intelligent Design and our school system Austin Stonecash
What is Intelligent Design? Theory of Intelligent Designer Opposes the Theory of Evolution Discovery Institute
Major Proponents “Irreducible Complexity” “Specified Complexity” Michael Behe William Dembski “Irreducible Complexity” “Specified Complexity”
Irreducibly Complex Systems that are too complex to have evolved from simpler systems Ex. Bacteria Flagellum
Specified Complexity Used as a reliable marker Used to identify things that can be described as irreducibly complex
Its place in science? Widely unaccepted Religious motives NCSE Religious motives Political motives
Politics and Science Clash Kitzmiller vs. Dover School District trial
Separation of Church and State Our Constitution Religious motives aren’t allowed Public schools
The Wedge Document Written by Discovery Institute Goals for United States Political and Religious
Of Pandas and People ID biology textbook Gets ID into the classroom Was denied by Court
What was the Verdict? ID is a religiously affiliated theory Denied from Dover Schools Judge John E. Jones
Conclusion Religion motives from the authors Theory has very little support Evidence contrary to theory Should be kept from our school system
Any Questions?
Works Cited: mittens-and-the-rise-of-uh-santorum/ breath-taking-insanity/