IPv6 part deux References: http://bit.ly/cZlj6A Andrew Daviel advax@triumf.ca References: http://bit.ly/cZlj6A
Addressing: IPv4: 32-bit, written as decimal bytes e.g. IPv6: 128-bit, written as hex words e.g. fe80::21f:3bff:fed2:afe9 Leading zeros may be dropped, zero words may be dropped 0000::1/128 Localhost 2000::/3 Global Unicast FC00::/7 Unique Local Unicast FE80::/10 Link Local Unicast FF00::/8 Multicast - everything else reserved by IANA - no broadcasts
IPv6 vs IPv4 : RFC 2460 - simpler headers - flow labelling - authentication - no fragmentation by routers - minimum MTU of 1280, MTU discovery recommended - IPsec - EUI 64-bit global identifier (by manufacturer ID, like MAC) - multicast, not broadcast
6in4 Tunnels Freenet6 @ gogo6.com SixXS @ sixxs.net - build gw6c binary - automated signup - single tunnel or subnet - spawns radvd - POP in Montreal SixXS @ sixxs.net - aiccu included in distro - manual signup - single tunnel or subnet - manual config - POP in Chicago
Stateless Autoconfiguration – RFC 4862 - router advertisement daemon radvd advertises prefix on multicast - client kernel creates address DHCPv6 may be used to get DNS etc.
Accountability, Auditing - multiple addresses per host - arpwatch -> ndpmon - addresses may not be in DNS - MAC address logging for accountability - IEEE 802.1x – network access control
References: http://bit.ly/cZlj6A Articles by Carla Schroder: Under the Hood with IPv6 Understand IPv6 Addresses Getting Around IPv6 IPv6: It's Better And Easier. Mostly GoGo6.com Freenet6 etc. 6deploy.eu tutorials http://bit.ly/cZlj6A