Garden Club of Monroeville Club Projects Garden Club of Monroeville (GCM), PA 2017 Event Calendar Mission In addition to enjoying each other as friends, gardeners, artists and explorers, we keep our GCM members and friends learning and growing in the practice of gardening by achieving several conservation and civic goals, e.g.: TO SPONSOR GCM MEET/GREET ADULT EVENING PROGRAMS AT MONROEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY TO MAINTAIN MONROEVILLE GARDENS (e.g., University Park Drive and Beatty Road; Illini Drive and Elliot Road) TO SPONSOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS FOR 13 ANNUAL GCFP $1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS TO SUPPORT LOCAL CHARITIES TO INVEST TIME AND TALENTS AT ALL LEVELS OF THE GARDEN CLUB FEDERATION OF PENNSYLVANIA TO CHALLENGE YOUTH CREATIVITY VIA NGC, INC. CONTESTS January No meetings February 1 GCFP Scholarship Applications Due February 28 (4:30): “Installation, Yearbook Review, NGC Membership Video” March 23 (9:30 AM): District VII Spring Membership Tea March 28 (4:30): “Try Container Gardening” April 11 (7PM @ Library): “Straw Bale Gardening” April 23-25 Garden Club Federation of PA (GCFP) Convention In State College, PA April 25 (4:30): Celebrate Arbor Day May 9 (7PM @ Library): “Backyard Composting” May 24 (4:30)“Protect Against Lyme Disease “ June 4-10 National Garden Week June 13 (7PM @ Library): “Happenings at Boyce Park” June 27 (4:30 PM @Boyce Park): “Field Trip at Boyce Park with GCM” July 25 (4:30): “What Plants Talk About” Aug 22 (4:30): “Flower Show Horticulture” Sept 26 @9:30 AM: District VII Annual Mtg Oct 10 (7PM @ Library): “Free Soil Lead Testing” Oct 24 (4:30): The Life of Birds: “Signals and Songs” Nov 28 (4:30): “Heal through Earthing, aka Grounding” Jan 6, 2018 Holiday Luncheon The purpose of the Garden Club of Monroeville (GCM) shall be to stimulate and promote interest and love of gardening, to encourage civic planting, and to create public interest in the conservation of natural resources. Formerly named University Park Garden Club, GCM was founded in 1959 as an affiliate of District VII of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP), which is part of the Central Atlantic Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC). The Club changed its name in 2012 to better reflect its membership territory, which includes that of the six garden clubs that formerly existed in Monroeville. We also welcome residents from Plum Boro, North Huntington, Norwin, Pitcairn, Wilmerding, Wall, Trafford, East McKeesport and Turtle Creek.
To promote indoor and outdoor activities that… Why join a Garden Club? To promote indoor and outdoor activities that… Contact Us Garden Club of Monroeville, PA (GCM) make you a more interesting person, with something fascinating to talk about; beautify your home and community; help you to grow with your plants through various courses, flower shows and conventions; -increase the physical activity of seniors who need to increase daily movement and of young children who often lack physical exertion. [Source: Gostic; encourage youth to try a greater range of fruits and vegetables. [Source: Guenther] [Source: Robinson-O'brien]; help prevent dementia in seniors [Source: Fabrigoule] because “Learning something new keeps the mind alert and active, as does maintaining a long-term interest in something that enthralls you.” (How to Find a Hobby); provide more affordable whole food consumption, in place of processed options; Eliminate/minimize the pesticides, herbicides, irradiation and waxes in or on vegetables and fruit; -provide extra food for the family, and provide another means of income if produce is sold at local farmers markets [Source: Lombard]; -teach others about gardening; -enhance social interaction and a better sense of community [Source: Wakefield, Lombard, Armstrong] when one “Joins a club to meet people with common interests, make friends and build friendships.” (; -promote a positive mental outlook [Source: Wakefield, Lombard, Armstrong] because “Given that antidepressants are some of the most commonly prescribed medications, a prescription for some flowers, plants or tomatoes might be a refreshing change. ” (PureHealthMD) The Garden Club of Monroeville usually meets every fourth Tuesday from February-November (4:30-6:30 PM) at: Monroeville Public Library’s Program Room 4000 Gateway Campus Blvd. Monroeville, PA 15146 412-372-0500 AND It co-hosts quarterly evening presentations with members and the public at the Monroeville Library, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Contact the Garden Club of Monroeville (PA) website at to be our guest for the next meeting! to find out more about GCFP scholarships for high school and college level students studying horticulture-related topics AND our sponsorship of NGC, Inc.’s Youth Contests Benefits of belonging to this Federated Club: Attend high quality National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) and Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP) schools and symposiums in floral design, landscape design, gardening study and environmental study throughout the year in PA and other states where one can earn the status of Consultant or Flower Show Judge, Have opportunities to network, sightsee and make new friends in and between districts at District Meetings, the Membership Tea, the annual GCFP Convention as well as the CAR regional and NGC national conventions, Be covered by the GCFP insurance for group functions such as fund raisers and flower shows, Be able to reach out to local students in horticulture-related majors to award $10,000 in GCFP scholarships annually, Be challenged to meet relevant national and state needs via community service, civic development, and highway beautification, Work with GCFP officers and leaders who report club activities to their peers and others in the Federation, Receive GCFP’s Keystone Gardener magazine and District VII’s Trumpet Vine newsletter.