Monagea Second Class Primary Science Experiment Paper Helicopters
We chose to complete the paper helicopter experiment, under the strand, energy and forces.
We had a brainstorm, activating our prior knowledge We had a brainstorm, activating our prior knowledge. We agreed that a “good” helicopter should land safely.
Before completing the helicopter experiment, we investigated how a flat sheet of paper would land in comparison to a crumpled up sheet.
The flat sheet is still landing, while the crumpled one has already reached the floor.
After seeing this, we all agreed that having blades on our helicopters was essential, if we wanted it to land safely.
Here we are, working as a team to make our large and small paper helicopters.
We made a prediction, which helicopter, would fly better We made a prediction, which helicopter, would fly better. The emphasis being on “Landing safely”. As we all decided that we would not like to feel unsafe, if we were in a helicopter!
Busy, cutting!
Now to get ready, to test!
In order to ensure fair testing, we assigned a person the job of refereeing the take offs!
We tested the large and small helicopter against one another, numerous times!
As you may see, one of the boys was down on the floor to see which one landed first!
Results: Here you will see our results of our experiment. We found after numerous amounts of testing, that the smaller helicopter landed first because it spun more. But the larger helicopter landed safer. We also added some paper clips to some of the helicopters, but this didn’t work well as the helicopters didn’t spin as much.
A Paper Helicopter with and without paperclips.
Next, we wanted to compare paper to card. Would there be a difference? Card helicopters We then, investigated the use of a different material, to make our helicopters. We used card. Next, we wanted to compare paper to card. Would there be a difference?
Here we predicted, which one would work better. Predictions Here we predicted, which one would work better.
Here we are testing the large paper helicopter and the large card one. We agreed, that having a referee was essential to completing a fair test.
Here are the helicopters, just about to land! In full flight Here are the helicopters, just about to land!
Again, we completed a number of tests to gather our results. Some more testing! Again, we completed a number of tests to gather our results.
Results We found, that the cardboard one landed first as it was heavier. Therefore if you wanted speed, the card helicopter was better. But if you wanted to land safer , we concluded the paper one was the winner!