PRELIMINARY – FOR FP2020 ONLY Coordinated Supply Planning Group (CSP) Country Specific Urgent Funding Gaps July 28, 2017 PRELIMINARY – FOR FP2020 ONLY
The Coordinated Supply Planning Group (CSP) is a cross-organizational team that strives to prevent family planning commodity stock imbalances CSP is a small, operational group that has developed tools and processes to share data across partners to improve allocation of commodities and foresee potential stock imbalances and address them before they become emergency issues Membership: UNFPA (PSB & CSB), USAID, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), John Snow, Inc. (JSI), USAID Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM), Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) Desired Results: Fewer stockouts and excess inventory within recipient country supply chains, improved forecasting and communication about supply and demand, thus reducing risk for all parties NOTE- this presentation just covers the CSP analysis
The CSP Funding Gap Analysis shows country specific funding gaps and can be used as a resource mobilization tool Background CSP is effective at shifting orders to meet country needs, but this is contingent on funding to cover the orders. Where there is no identified funding source and orders are needed, CSP uses a systematic process to quantify funding needs. Objectives To determine country- and product-specific funding gaps for the current year in order to support resource mobilization by CSP members and by key partners (such as FP2020) To assist countries in resolving all family planning commodity funding gaps for the current year to prevent shortages and stockouts Process Use country quantification and funding commitment data to quantify contraceptive commodity needs and funding gaps. Vet analysis with in country stakeholders to ensure the data is accurate and seek MOH approval prior to sharing Justification According to the Copenhagen Consensus, investing in contraception has one of the highest ROIs; for every dollar spent towards achieving universal access to contraception, there are $120 dollars worth of social, economic, and environmental benefits.
In 2016, CSP began this process and used the initial experience and successes to refine our process in 2017 for estimating funding gaps and sharing with partners CSP identified supply gaps for 8 countries that would potentially limit access to family planning for over 3 million women Through sharing our analysis with CSP members and partners, an additional USD $10.8 million for FP product procurement in 2016 was mobilized for 4 of these countries, mitigating major shortages for several product categories 2016 2017 (as of July 28th) Preliminary results from our 2017 analysis has resulted in an additional USD $2.8 million of orders of implants to fill identified gaps in 4 countries This support was possible by flagging known gaps early in the year, working with CSP members, donors, and other partners to estimate needs and prioritize countries to receive additional funding and create shipments
The CSP Funding Gap analysis is an iterative process and the analysis will be updated as new information becomes available Current Number of Countries Included in Analysis 23 Percent with confirmed funding gaps 26% Percent with anticipated funding gaps Percent requiring further data/vetting to determine whether or not there’s a gap Percent with no anticipated funding gap 22% Analysis Coverage Percent of FP2020 countries included in analysis 33% Percent of FP2020 commitment making countries included in analysis 55% Percent of GFF countries included in analysis 69% Percent of AFP focus countries included in analysis 60% % with confirmed funding gaps: 6/23 % with anticipated funding gaps: 6/23 % further vetting: 6/23 % no funding gap: 5/23 FP2020 countries: 23/69 FP2020 commitment countries: 23/42 (updated this after FP London summit with 3 new commitment making countries) GFF countries: 11/16 AFP:6/10 (per website there are only 10 focus countries) N=23; number of countries where we have data or know the data exists, but still waiting for updates. Open to including more countries if the right data is available (see slide 16).
2017 Commodity Funding Gap – Number of Women Impacted Across four countries alone, up to 10 million women may lack access to family planning due to commodity funding constraints PRELIMINARY 2017 Commodity Funding Gap – Number of Women Impacted (Millions) 4.3 3.3 1.9 0.4 0.0 Kenya Mozambique Nigeria Tanzania Uganda 1Number of women is calculated by dividing procurement quantities by the corresponding CYP factors
Preliminary results indicate five countries will face significant shortages across FP commodities if the ~$35M1 funding gap is not addressed PRELIMINARY 2017 FP Commodity Need2 (Millions, USD) Unfunded Potential Funding Funded $32 $26 $15 $17 $14 $15 $2 $4 $11 “Potential funding” is funding that exists (either from a donor or the government) but that has not yet been allocated to specific products. Once the funding has been allocated to specific products, it is included in the “funded” amount. $1 $17 $15 $12 $11 $10 Kenya Mozambique Nigeria Tanzania Uganda 1Potential funds are not confirmed and thus included in the total funding gap 2Need timeline varies by country based on country supply planning processes- Kenya represents 2017 and excludes condoms; Mozambique represents 2017; Nigeria represents 2017; Tanzania represents Q3 2017-Q1 2018; Uganda represents Q1 2017-Q2 2018
Kenya needs ~$4M1 to minimize 2017 FP commodity shortages Kenya 2017 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements $2.9 $4.3 $3.7 $0.1 $3.7 $0.1 $0.0 Unfunded Funded Confirmed by country can be shared with CSP and FP2020. One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM IUDs Orals Orals - EmergencyOrals - Emergency Standard Days MethodStandard Days MethodStandard Days Method Funding Gap (USD) $2.1M $1.8M - $42K Volume Gap (Units) 225K 186K 127K 1Excludes male and female condoms as these are primarily funded under the HIV program
Kenya needs ~$8M1 to minimize 2018 FP commodity shortages Kenya 2018 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements $2.9 $2.8 $3.5 $0.0 $2.9 $0.0 $0.0 Unfunded Funded Confirmed by country can be shared with CSP and FP2020. One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM IUDs Orals Orals - EmergencyOrals - Emergency Standard Days MethodStandard Days MethodStandard Days Method Funding Gap (USD) $2.9M $2.8M - $42K $1.8M $31K Volume Gap (Units) 306K 296K 127K 5.9M 79K 1Excludes male and female condoms as these are primarily funded under the HIV program
Mozambique needs ~$1M to minimize 2017 FP commodity shortages Mozambique 2017 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements $3.7 $2.3 $0.1 $1.9 $1.1 $0.0 $1.4 Unfunded Funded Can be shared with CSP as of June 22, 2017, approval to share with FP2020 received via Becky on 07/24/17 Condoms - MaleCondoms - Male Condoms - FemaleCondoms - Female One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable SQ3-month injectable SQ3-month injectable SQ IUDs Orals Funding Gap (USD) - $770K Volume Gap (Units) 1.39M
Nigeria needs ~$2M to minimize 2017 FP commodity shortages Current funded figures include ~$3M gov’t commitment (not yet released); DFID plans to commit $4.5M if gov’t funding is released. If gov’t funding is not released, funding gap figure would be ~$5M Nigeria 2017 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements $3.1 $0.9 $5.8 $2.8 $2.3 $0.8 $1.0 $0.7 5% Unfunded Funded Confirmed by country can be shared with CSP and FP2020. Condoms - MaleCondoms - Male Condoms - FemaleCondoms - Female One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM 2-month injectable2-month injectable Orals Standard Days MethodStandard Days Method Funding Gap (USD) $142K - $604K $207K $606K $318K Volume Gap (Units) 3.8M 58K 20K 600K 210K Note: This analysis doesn’t include UNFPA funded DMPA SQ orders (2.5M units) since DMPA SQ is not included in the national supply plan
Tanzania1 needs ~$14M to minimize 2017 FP commodity shortages Funded figures include ~$2.2M released 2016 government funding and recently mobilized RMNCH Trust Fund money, but do not include unreleased ~$6.2M 2017 government commitment; if the $6.2M is released, it would be used for procurement likely arriving in mid 2018. Thus, ~$14M is still required now in addition to government funding. Tanzania 2017 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements PRELIMINARY $1.9 $0.3 $4.3 $11.8 $12.1 $0.1 $1.3 Unfunded Funded Status – Ok to share with CSP and FP2020 Condoms - MaleCondoms - Male Condoms - FemaleCondoms - Female One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM IUDs Orals Funding Gap (USD) $374K $338K - $5.6M $7.6M $663K Volume Gap (Units) 10.5 M 579K 557K 7.8M 1.9M 1Tanzania requirements include shipments from Q3 2017 to Q1 2018 because funding is needed in 2017 to ensure the Q1 2018 shipments arrive in time
Uganda1 needs ~$14M2 to minimize 2017/18 FP commodity shortages Supply plan goes through June 2018 to align with fiscal year. However funding is needed now to ensure orders arrive on time. Uganda 2017/18 FP Commodity and Funding Requirements PRELIMINARY $6.0 $0.5 $6.4 $5.5 $3.1 $1.8 $0.1 $2.7 $0.1 $0.1 Unfunded Funded Confirmed by country (July 20, 2017), can share with CSP and donors Condoms - MaleCondoms - Male Condoms - FemaleCondoms - Female One-Rod ImplantsOne-Rod Implants Two-Rod ImplantsTwo-Rod Implants 3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM3-month injectable IM 3-month injectable SQ3-month injectable SQ3-month injectable SQ IUDs Orals Orals - EmergencyOrals - Emergency Standard Days MethodStandard Days MethodStandard Days Method Funding Gap (USD) $4.0M $460K $3.1M $3.3M $560K $872K - $1.4M $27K Volume Gap (Units) 102M 716K 282K 297K 520K 789K 3.9M 60K 1Uganda programs exclude SMO. Uganda gap analysis will be updated again following the quantification workshop panned for Q3 2017. 2 Uganda funding includes GFF commitment of .7M, however this isn’t confirmed so the gap could be larger if the commitments don’t materialize
Countries with anticipated funding gaps but require more data or further vetting Country Funding Gap Focal Person Status 2017 Gap Amount Next Step Needed Country contact Côte d’Ivoire Maggie Gap TBD Working with MOH/UNFPA CO to place orders with remaining ceiling; will then update gap. MOH, UNFPA DRC Mindy Anticipating gap Data quality challenges; Follow-up for supply plan/gap estimates CTMP, Tulane, CHAI Ghana Received updated needs – will work to confirm final numbers MOH Madagascar Following up with each partner to finalize gap figures MOH, MSI, PSI Malawi Waiting for final quantification results PSM Togo Working to finalize figures Zambia
Countries where more information is required to assess whether or not there is a funding gap Country Funding Gap Focal Person Status Next Step Needed Country contact Ethiopia Alexis Ongoing Need full supply plan for 2017 JSI, CHAI, PSM Haiti Need to follow-up with PSM PSM Nepal Need to review documentation provided Niger Maggie Following-up for most recent PipeLine database (have summary results) MOH Rwanda Following up to determine if there is a gap Sierra Leone Following up with UNFPA country office for gap estimates UNFPA
Countries that do not have funding gaps for 2017 based on available data Country Funding Gap Focal Person Next Step Needed Country contact Cameroon Mindy Review indicates no funding gap Input in database; share with country CHAI, MOH Lao PDR CHAI, UNFPA, MOH Liberia Alexis Review indicates no funding gap (based on 2016 data); waiting to see if there is a new quantification to update PSM Senegal Maggie Review indicates no funding gap; need to confirm with country MOH, USAID Mission Zimbabwe PSM, UNFPA
Countries where CSP does not have data or data does not meet criteria Awaiting up-to-date quantification results Bangladesh Benin Burkina Faso Burundi Chad Mali Mauritania Myanmar Pakistan Papua New Guinea Data does not meet criteria Guinea