EU’s Strategy for Aviation Paul Bosman Head of ATM Strategies Division EUROCONTROL
Challenges of air transport in Europe
Four main axes
-1- EU leading player in International Aviation
-2- Tackling limits to growth
-3- Maintaining high level of EU standards
-4- Innovation and Digital technologies - Drones
From Strategy to reality
Cooperation building up EU – ATM Family Aviation Strategy SES2+ - On hold SESAR1 -> S2020 EUROCONTROL - From Manager to “Centre Of Expertise” Further expanding 2019 renewal Continuing/Adapting PRB/PRU/… Cooperation building up New kid on the block
European ATM Masterplan Para 2.1 - Improved ANS operations productivity: The improvement of ANS productivity is made possible in particular through the development and implementation of automation, reducing air traffic controllers’ (ATCOs) need for intervention. This is achieved through improved planning, supported by planning and conflict resolution tools, as well as temporary delegation of separation to the aircraft. The automation of routine tasks and wide introduction of data communication will also allow ATCOs to concentrate on value-added tasks, thereby handling more traffic in a safer way and improving their productivity. 2012-2035 1.5 x growth RISKS 1. The R & D Programme does not deliver solutions that are ready for preparation for deployment. 3. Ineffective bridging between development and deployment activities may put industrialisation at risk and delay deployment. 7. Governance structure is not capable of ensuring successful deployment. 8. Deployment of SESAR Solutions leads to unaddressed cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Get ready for the future ! Virtualisation - ATM Cloud Services
How close by is this all ?
It is getting more and more busy up there Need for ATM to evolve and adapt 10-100s Core STM? 10.000s 100-1000s Core ATM 10.000.000s Core UTM? 2020-2025 Global estimates
What we see today in Europe Drones are a ‘hot’ topic (read disruptive) Very regular VLOS operations BVLOS increasingly happening Up to 100KM Segregated & Non-Segregated More coming soon Urban operations are happening too Mostly VLOS, some BVLOS Under well ‘controlled’ circumstances Politicians, regulators, service providers, industry, … finding their way
EU Drones ecosystem – U-SPACE Core objective Deliver drones specific update proposal for the European ATM Master Plan (~10 pager addendum) leading to formal blessing at institutional & industry level by end of 2017 Key tasks Deliver vision for safe integration of drones Prioritized operational & deployment view (incl. standardisation & regulatory roadmap) Business view Risk Management Timeline April: blueprint on U-Space (3 pages) October: final addendum (10 pages) 2019 implementation Leveraging EU-US MoC
Some more challenges ICAO 39th MBM ETS adaptation
Final words From Strategy to Reality Huge Challenges & Opportunities Together we can make things happen