Our English week 15 – 19 February MBEI Kamenolomnenskaya school
My favorite pets (конкурс рисунков) Monday English speaking country (newspaper/power point) 11 Sights of London (newspaper) 5 B Tuesday Famous British writes 7-8 КВН Love in our hurts (тематический урок) 5 А Friday Our animals 2 A – B My favorite pets (конкурс рисунков) «Goldilocks and three bears» fairy tale for 3rd year 4 Wednesday «Turnip» fairy tale for 2nd year 3A «We keen on English.» олимпиада 2-11 Thursday We love English poetry 2-3 We fond of sport (newspaper) 9 We know English grammar well! (brain – ring) 6 A - B
English speaking country newspaper Monday Sights of London 5 B English speaking country newspaper
Love in our hurts (тематически й урок) 5 А Famous British writes 7-8 КВН Tuesday
«Turnip» fairy tale for 2nd year 3A Wednesday «Turnip» fairy tale for 2nd year 3A
We know English grammar well! Thursday We know English grammar well! (brain – ring) 6 A - B
«Goldilocks and three bears» fairy tale for 3rd year 4 Friday «Goldilocks and three bears» fairy tale for 3rd year 4