Welcome to Year 6 Parent Meeting
SATs Tests and Arrangements
English reading 1 hour to read three texts (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) and answer related comprehension questions Texts increase in difficulty but are age-appropriate in terms of content and difficulty More of an emphasis on vocabulary
Maths paper 1: Arithmetic Children have 30 minutes to answer 36 questions – context free Requires children to work mentally and use standard written methods from the curriculum Tested on multiplication, division, addition and subtraction with large numbers and decimals as well as with fractions Percentages of amounts
Paper 2 and Paper 3: Reasoning 40 minutes to complete Assesses pupils’ ability to understand and apply mathematics to problems and to reason Questions linked to the specific strands of the Year 6 curriculum Mixture of contextualised and context-free questions, and real life and abstract problems
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions Test covers the aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation and language strategies from across the key stage 2 English national curriculum 45 minutes to answer short answer questions
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling The paper consists of 20 target words, presented within distinct, contextualised sentences Not strictly timed – 20-25 minutes The words could be from the “non negotiable” list or they might not- it is about the students learning the rules of spelling
Practice Assessments Parent meetings Homework Spellings Accelerated Reader How can you help at home? Boosters / interventions