How we are responsible for ourselves By Room 22
Eat Healthy Food Eat a big breakfast Eat lots of fruit and vegetables Cause and Effect Eat Healthy Food Causes Effects you will have a lot of energy Eat lots of fruit and vegetables Eat a big breakfast You will be strong We are responsible for Eating healthy food You will be healthy Don’t eat lots of sugar
If you don’t get enough sleep you wont get up Cause and Effect Get Enough Sleep Causes Effects Go to sleep early If you don’t get enough sleep you wont get up We are responsible for Getting sleep Don’t eat sugar before bed If you don’t get sleep you will be late for school If you get enough sleep you will have energy for school You will be very tired
Keeping ourselves safe Cause and Effect Causes Effects Keep Your Self Safe Look down drive- ways you won’t be hurt Look left and right before you cross the road We are responsible for Keeping ourselves safe You will have fun walking home safely Ignore strangers
Keep Ourselves Clean Brush your teeth Get sick Cause and Effect Keep Ourselves Clean Causes Effects Make sore that you have bath/showers Or you will get stinky Brush your teeth Rotten teeth We are responsible for keeping our selves clean Wash hands/soap Get sick
Responsibility For Drinking Enough Water Causes Effects We are responsible for Drinking Enough Water