The Prevent Strategy
Radicalisation is defined by the UK Government within this context as “the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.” Extremism: Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values: Democracy The rule of law Individual Liberty Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs (The call for the death of members of the armed forces over seas or in this country) Radicalisation: The process by which someone comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies. Terrorism: An action that endangers or causes serious harm to a person or people, property or electronic systems. The threat is made for the advancement of a political, religious or ideological cause.
How do I know? Very hard to tell – most experts state that recognising radicalisation is incredibly hard and can easily be mistaken. In discussion, listen for ideas turning to action. Going on far right marches, discussing attacking those different from themselves. Small groups forming who discuss extreme ideas and ways to further their ideas. Students missing, overseas for a significant period of time; particularly from an Islamic background.
What should I do? Discussion of these issues is not an indicator of radicalisation, in fact this is a healthy part of learning and something that we should encourage in lessons and in debates. Develop debate on these issues and allow students to talk and think about the way that they impact our lives. Promote open ,respectful dialogue. Challenge Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and other prejudices. Read about religions do that we challenge from a position of knowledge
If you have a concern about an element of Prevent and think a student may be involved in radicalized behaviour, follow the procedure you would for any safeguarding issue. Fill in the CP risk form and pass to a member of the CP Team. See me or another member of the Leadership Team and we will discuss the behavior with you and make a recommendation and help with the next step.