Brian Peterson 10 Happy years at Kinetic Data Phone:651-556-0923 Professional Services 10 Happy years at Kinetic Data Phone:651-556-0923 Fun fact! The first known use of the word was in 1727. The original definition was a cheat, trick, or hoax. Welcome to KEG14 Brian Peterson Kinetic Enthusiast Group Catalog KEG O LOg at Schedule Announcements Tweets Schedule time at Afternoon with Engineering View and Post Pictures from your mobile phone Scavenger Hunt and trivia #kdkeg reminder. Professional Services is the group that Implements our products at customer sites and engages with clients in an project related to our products. I also am the Coordinator of Kinetic Community. I would love to hear any feedback that you may have on it.
Kinetic Fulfillment
Complex, Rigid, Generic Applications Kinetic Request Clients have had to rely on Complex and Rigid forms with generic fields to assign actionable tasks to their Support Groups. Actionable tasks are items that need to be assigned to and completed by a person. These can be actions such as create a user id, modify access or purchase a tablet.
Complex, Rigid, Generic Applications Clients have had to assign actionable tasks using forms and applications that do not effectively capture the important information upon completion. They contain a large quantity of fields which become noise to the users. Generic text fields such as “Notes” or “Resolution” rely on the person completing the task to know what information to put in the task. There is no simple or effective way to validate the information in a free text field. If information needs to be extracted from this “Notes” field by a workflow process or reporting, the field needs to be parsed. Parsing a text field for specific information is always complex and problematic.
Complex, Rigid, Generic Applications The workflow process behind these forms are complex and try to be one size fits all. Modifying the workflow process behind these applications is discouraged by the vendor and if you do make modification it is very difficult and at times similar to playing Jenga. Take out the wrong piece and comes crashing down. They do not enable “Your process your way” .
Complex, Rigid, Generic Applications These applications have there place, but not in life, but not in assignment of tasks incorporated into a configurable process. Our clients need more. They have encouraged and challenged Kinetic Data to provide them a solution to these issues within the Kinetic Request Product. CLICK- Forms and applications such as this one are not cutting it for many of our clients.
Kinetic Fulfillment Our Response to their needs and requirements is Kinetic Fulfillment. It is flexible, lightweight and clean application used to assign actionable tasks to Groups and User. It is simple and similar to other web forms which users are familiar with and comfortable using. It can be easily branded and styled to match your companies standard colors and use it’s logo.
Kinetic Fulfillment Creates and Manages Assignable Tasks Assign to Group or Individual Application Built on Kinetic Request Implements your workflow processes When automation isn’t possible, our clients need an application to manage and assign actionable tasks to Groups or Individuals in Groups. They want it built on Kinetic request so that it uses a common and consistent application throughout the lifecycle of the request It needs to have a workflow Engine behind it to meet their workflow process requirements.
Kinetic Fulfillment Lightweight Clean Flexible Targets Important Information Our clients requested an application that is lightweight, clean and flexible solution that is easy to use. It needs to contain targeted, specific, and relevant completion questions to get the important information upon completion of the task. Kinetic Fulfillment meets these requirements.
Built on Kinetic Request Bundle Bundle Packages Kinetic Fulfillment is an application built on Kinetic Request. This type of Application is what we call Bundle Package. Bundles install into Kinetic Request and Bundle Packages install into Bundles.
What are Bundles “Bundles are web-based add ons to Kinetic Request which allow you to quickly create a web interface to your request catalog.” - Deployment or installation Shared functionality and branding According to Kinetic Community “Bundles are web-based add ons to Kinetic Request which allow you to quickly create a web interface to your request catalog.” A Bundle is a deployment or installation. It includes shared functionality and branding for a Request Catalog.
What is a Bundle Package Focused on adding specific functionality Includes the code to support its features. Leverage features and styling of the Bundle Bundle Packages are similar to a Bundles, but they are narrower in scope and more focused on adding specific functionality. They also includes the elements and processes necessary to support their own features They may still leverage features and styling of the Bundle that they are within. It can dropped into a bundle and have the Branding and Styling as the rest of the Catalog with minimal or no effort.
Kinetic Fulfillment Components Work Orders - Assignable Actionable Task Record Fulfillment Console - Queue and Console for Work Orders Within Kinetic Fulfillment there are 2 major components Work Orders and the Fulfillment Console
Work Orders Work Orders are the actionable task record which are assigned to Groups or Users. Work Orders contain all of the information necessary for the Fulfiller to complete the required Task. The Kinetic Fulfillment application contains all of the logic and events necessary to manage its lifecycle and state.
Work Orders Work Order are Service Items Same skills, tools and applications as Kinetic Request Consistent user experience A Work Order is a Service Item in Kinetic Request . Service Items are the front end request forms which are built by Kinetic Request. Service Items are where the questions and information are presented to the User. Because Kinetic Fulfillment is built on Kinetic Request, Service Items are used as the Framework and delivery for Work Orders. Specialized features and functionality have been added to a Work Order Service Item. Developing and maintaining a Work Order involves the same skills, tools and applications as working with Requests. Request developers no longer need another application or additional skill set to create and assign tasks. This also helps provide a consistent UI and Branding with the rest of the Service Catalog.
Work Orders Fields All Work Order have several Unique fields which help define it and identify its state. These fields are located at the top of the Work Order. Your workflow process will give these fields their initial values and Assign the Work Order to the correct Group or User.
Status Configurable Menu of Statuses Status is used to communicate the state of the work order. It tells others and the workflow process what stage of the lifecycle the Work Order is in. Many clients have their own requirements and ideas of what values should be in a status menu. We have made this list of values configurable so that clients can create status list that meets their needs.
Assignment Company, Organization, Group and User Configurable Data Source A WO has a Company, Organization, Group and User Hierarchy. It can be assigned to an entire Group or a Single User in a group SHOW THE INTERFACE AND HIERARCHY Out of the box it can use groups from ITSM or from Fulfillments own data source. However it is flexible enough to user groups from an alternate data source.
Due Date Indicates the Date which the Work Order is due to be completed Indicates the Date which the Work Order is due to be completed Date picker is displayed when clicking on the calendar icon
Priority Indicates a Priority of the Work Order Available values are Low Normal and Urgent
Acknowledged Acknowledge without modifying the status. Allows the Work Order to be Acknowledged without modifying the status.
Work Information Share information and attachments Public or Private Multiple entries per Work Order Those of you who use BMC ITSM are familiar with Work Information In Kinetic Fulfillment Work Information is used to share information and attachments with the Requester and other Work Orders Fulfillers. Work Information may be flagged as public or private Public is intended to be shared with the Requester Private is intended to only be shared with the Fulfiller Multiple Work Information records can be added to a Work Order DESCRIBE INTERFACE AND BEHAVIOR
Tablet Request Workflow Process Request a Tablet Manager Approval Purchase Tablet Here is an example process for Requesting a Tablet. The tablet is requested The manager approves the request. The tablet is procured and delivered. Deliver Tablet Complete Request
Reusable and Unique Work Orders Requests Work Orders Tablet Request Purchase Tablet Deliver Tablet Database ID Request Create ID Each Request, such as Request for a Tablet or Request for a User ID, can utilize a different or multiple Work Order their workflow process. DETAILS OF EXAMPLE In other cases the Work Orders may need to be the same. The Network ID Request and the Database ID Request may have the same Work Order requirements. If so they can both use the Work Order. Network ID Request
Targeted Questions When multiple Work Orders are created each can be designed to target specific completion information by including questions unique to their process and requirements. A Request for a Tablet may need a WO to capture the Tablet Make Model and serial number upon completion. A Work Order for a new User Id may only require the ID of the new user to be provided. SHOW ANIMATION click complete exposes required and optional questions
Request Specific Work Orders Targeted Completion Questions Require Question Use events and Dynamic menus Data Validation Targeted Questions tell the user what information to provide. A field labeled “Resolution” or “Notes” doesn’t tell the user what information should be placed into it. A Question labeled “Tablet Make”, “Tablet Model” and “Serial Number”, tells the user exactly what information is needed. The workflow process also now knows where the Model and Serial number are stored. The information can easily be accessed by the workflow process without needing to parse a generic text field. This enables workflow automation. The workflow process can easily update a CMDB or other Asset repository with information provided in the WO. WOs are built on Kinetic Request so we can leverage the other features of Kinetic Request with in WOs. As an example we can use use events and dynamic menus to further refine the completion information which is provided to the Work Order. In this example the Nexus 7 is specific to the Google Tablet. If a different Make is selected we can change the menu to only list the models which relate to the selected make of tablet. We can also apply data validation to the questions. Data validation can be used to ensure a valid phone number, username, email address, or IP address are provided. It could also be just making the question required.
Shared Work Orders Less Maintenance Decreased Development Consistency WO can also be shared by workflow processes. Sharing Work Orders requires less maintenance. If a change is needed or a bug is discovered the changes or corrections only need to be made to 1 WO. Reusing the WO also Decreases Development time. When the WO are reused the user are familiar with them. They provide a consistency to the to workflow processes. Fulfillment has the flexibility to have Shared WO or Targeted WO.
Cloning Thanks to cloning creating a new WO is quick and easy. A WO is just a type of Service Item in Kinetic Request. The same tools and methods in Kinetic Request are used to quickly and easily create a new Work Order to Target specific completion information. A Work Order Service Item Template is quickly cloned then targeted questions are added The use of the WO is then defined in the appropriate workflow processes. The built in functionality of the Work Order will hide these questions until the fulfiller is ready to complete it.
Tablet Request Workflow Process Request a Tablet Manager Approval Purchase Tablet This is the Tablet Request example shown earlier. There is more to the processes than this. In real requirements a lot more happens than just creating a Work Order. Many processes can happen during the lifecycle of the WO. There are email notifications to be sent, SLA Flags to be set, a CMDB to be updated or perhaps update a customer’s ticketing system which monitoring the progress. Deliver Tablet Complete Request
Tablet Request Workflow Process Purchase Tablet Work Order Assignment Complete Request a Tablet Get Email Address Complete SLA Manager Approval Send Notification Update Requester Purchase Tablet Update CMDB In our Tablet Request example its workflow process creates the Work Orders. When a Work Order node executes creates the Work Order and pauses. The Work Order has its own workflow processes to execute. ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE Deliver Tablet Continue Request Complete Request
Work Order Workflow Process Purchase Tablet Work Order Create Assignment Complete Update SLA Complete SLA Email Assignee Update Requester Status Update SLA Update CMDB A Work Order can have several workflow processes to execute. The previous slide showed Assignment and Complete workflow processes. In a Work Order there are several triggers which can execute a one of many workflow processes. Create immediately upon creation of WO Complete when the user completes the WO Now we have introduced new hooks to executing workflow processes in between the time of creation and completion Workflow process grouped by event or action. Makes them reusable. Continue Request Due Date Acknowledge
Reusability and Sharing Requests Work Orders Workflow Processes Complete Tablet Request Purchase Tablet Assignment Status Change Database ID Request Create ID Not only can the Work Orders be Shared or Unique but the Workflow Process can also be. The Purchase Tablet Work Order may have a unique workflow process for Completion. However it may share a Workflow Process with Create ID. Either scenario can be accomplished. We have created these reusable pieces that can be used to create your workflow process and meet your requirements. Pick and existing Work Order and Workflow Process or create new ones and the process for your Request. Acknowledge Network ID Reqeust Complete
Pre-Submission Workflow Process Execute workflow on change of: Status Acknowledgement Reassignment Due Date Priority Execution of workflow before Submission is a newer feature.
Examples Send emails Set SLA Flag Request More Information Status update an external system Example Uses Send emails - On Reassignment Set SLA Flag - Modify Values to indicate In Progress Request information from the requestor or another individual - Common requirement to have a request for more information. Combine with custom status - Pending Information - Update an external system - Update with status change If you can put it in a workflow process it can be run
Kinetic Task Workflow Automation Tool Graphical Workflow Process Builder Executes Workflow Processes All of these Workflow processes are made possible by the Kinetic Task Product. Kinetic Task is our Graphical Workflow Process Builder. The Developer builds a TASK TREE to define the workflow process. The Task Tree is the definition of workflow process. These nodes in the tree represent Task Handlers. Task Handlers are the building blocks of a Task Tree. Handlers do the actions and make the decisions in the Taks Trees. Many core handlers come with Kinetic Task but we also have a library of useful handlers available on Kinetic Community to do things such as send your approvals and emails, retrieve person information, read and write data to external applications like Remedy, Salesforce and Service now. We of course have a handler to create Work Orders. The Handlers are dragged into the Task Tree from a list of available handler, configured and then connected to other nodes. ACTUAL WORKING EXAMPLE
Fulfillment Console The 2nd main component of Kinetic Fulfillment is the Fulfillment Console The Fulfillment Console is the Work Queue for Work Orders. It allows the Fulfillers to see what is assigned to them and to Manage and view the Work Orders which need their attention. It is an important tools for for managing and prioritizing Work Orders which are assigned to the Fulfillers Discuss visible columns to enable fulfiller to prioritize work queue. Assignment Priority Due Date Satus Work Orders are categorized into different tabs such as “My Work Orders” “Open Work Orders” “Unassigned Work Orders” Work Orders can be opened and assigned from the Fulfillment Console
Fulfillment Console Search There is an additional tab for Searching Work Orders
Advantages of Fulfillment Lightweight Clean Flexible Brandable Work Orders in Kinetic Fulfillment are Lightweight, clean and flexible. No extraneous fields
Advantages of Fulfillment Captures meaningful completion information Targeted questions Data validation Dynamic Menus and Events Required fields Work Order can display only Targeted Questions that are required to complete the specific assigned task. Leverage features of Kinetic Request to validate the data placed into these Targeted Question. Use menus and events guide and assist to task fulfiller when entering completion information. Require these fields to be populated.
Advantages of Fulfillment Workflow Process Uses Kinetic Task Reusable Processes Customizable Workflow Process Uses Kinetic Task our Graphical Process builder Reusable Processes to reduce development and maintenance and provide consistency Create Custom processes to enable YOUR Process and meet YOUR needs
Work Orders / Fulfillment Technical Perspective Questions? 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM Work Orders / Fulfillment Technical Perspective