Success of the first NA61 run


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Presentation transcript:

Success of the first NA61 run NA61 news and plans NA61 Collaboration meeting, Budapest, May 14-19, 2012 Success of the first NA61 run with ion beams Migration of data analysis to Shine Be+Be at 150A GeV/c

Detector upgrades in 2011 He beam pipe P rojectile S pectator D - with a resolution of 1 nucleon He beam pipe - reduction of the δ - electron background by a factor of 10 Z - detector - measure ion charge for on - line selection of secondary ions A - detector - measures mass composition of secondary ion beam Low Momentum Particle Detector - measures target nucleus spectators

Congratulation to the PSD team ! The PSD construction was completed on 24.02.2012 The extension of the transverse acceptance was needed for the low energy runs in 2012 Congratulation to the PSD team ! (INR Moscow + Polish groups, CF and many others)

Running/planned hardware upgrades - ToF HV upgrade (to be ready in 2012) Good progress, congratulations to the Belgrade group! - TPC calibration pulsers, designed/produced in IKF, ready for installation at CERN, Many thanks to Rainer! - new BPD preamplifiers, designed/produced in Krakow, Many thanks to Krakow group - ToF read-out upgarde (to be ready by 2014) R&D phase (thanks to Slava), moderate progress, Urgent need to fix a solution, manpower, finances, Hope for progress at this meeting - vertex detector for open charm+ measurements (to be ready by 2016), no significant progress, Your active participation in this challenging project is needed (from physics/simulation to detector R&D/construction

Data taking: 2011 2011: p+p at 13, 158 GeV/c and Be+Be at 40, 75 and 150A GeV 2011: p+p at 13, 158 GeV/c and for more details see the latest Cern Courier artilce by Herbert and Ilias: Congratulations to Herbert, Peter (NA61) Ilias, Django (CERN) !

- Data taking: 2011 2011: successful tests of: Congratulations to the Budapest group ! (Dezso, Andras, ...) 2011: successful tests of: - Low Momentum Particle Detector (test for p+Pb at 158 GeV/c in 2012) and - extraction of the primary Pb beam at 80A GeV/c (test for runs with primary Ar and Xe beams in 2014/2015)

Status of the NA61 data taking within ion program Pb+Pb 2016+ ? Xe+La 2015 Ar+Ca 2014 Be+Be 2011 - 2012 p+Pb 2012/14 p+p 2009/10/11 13 20 30 40 80 150 momentum (A GeV/c)

Test data taking for neutrino Fermilab experiments in 2012 Data taking for the T2K and CR programs completed in 2010 Test data taking for neutrino Fermilab experiments in 2012 pion+C 2009 p+LT 2007-10 p+C 2007-10/2012 13 20 30 40 80 160 350 momentum (A GeV/c)

Software upgrade - the second SHINE workshop took place in February, - many already moved analysis software to Shine/Shoe Shine/Shoe ready to be used by all of us - Shoe dsts produced in parallel to the old root ones - next large scale production without root61 mdst!, Please, move your analysis/calibration software to Shine as soon as possible. - work to move the reconstruction chain to Shine (still with old clients/modules) is progressing (many thanks to Oskar!), It is important to concentrate effort and finish this project soon - work started on the calibration automation within Shine (thanks to Andras and Roland)

Thanks and congratulation for the first pro version of Shine/Shoe to the Shine team ! POA: Darko, Michael, Tom and Andras, Oskar, Roland, Antoni for the first pro version of Shine/Shoe

Virtualization Local reference cloud Software installed on CVMFS Reference private Cloud implementation using OpenNebula enabling data (re)processing at CERN and elsewhere Commissioned Software installed on CVMFS CVMFS is a distributed file system software distribution used by LHC experiments NA61 software installed Virtual clusters On-demand creation of custom clusters on top of virtualized infrastructure Scripts created CERNVM batch system Uses Condor batch system NA61 scripts for job submission adapted to Condor Validation Jobs running on CERNVM and LXPLUS must produce identical results Work in progress Data bookkeeping web interface Present all available data, production and job status using Web interface Nice progress, very important to conclude the project (run reconstruction using VMs) within the allocated time (by October 2012)

Calibration - 2009 data calibration almost finished, analysis is on-going - 2010/2011 data calibration has started - (slow) progress on calibration documentation and automation - first steps to move calibration to Shine Many thanks to Grzegorz and all calibrators for their hard work It is crucial to complete calibration of the 2010/2011 data as soon as possible Physics results from these data sets are urgently needed (Be+Be for the SPSC in October 2012)

Publications Measurement of Production Properties of Positively Charged Kaons in Proton-Carbon Interactions at 31 GeV/c. The NA61/SHINE Collaboration (N. Abgrall et al.). Dec 2011. 10 pp. e-Print: arXiv:1112.0150 [hep-ex] To be published in Phys. Rev. C Cern Courier article on the NA61 T2K program Cern Courier article on the NA61 heavy ion program Cern Courier article on the NA61 secondary ion beams In preparation: Pilot analysis of the NA61/SHINE 2007 long target data Authors: NA61/SHINE + selected members of the T2K Beam group

Analysis Interesting pilot results for 2009 data were presented at the Wroclaw meeting Many thanks to the analysis coordinators: Kasia, Alberto, Boris, Michael In particular, corrected 2009 data were shown By Martin, Michael, Alex and Antoni Unexpected Antoni's discovery

Data taking plan: 2012 2012 run (start June 18 – end October 8): test run: 7 days (requested 14) proton run: 8 weeks (as requested) Be run: 6 weeks (as requested) At the end of the test run a 2-day long test for the Fermilab neutrino experiments is planned At the end of the proton run a check run for pion+C at 158 GeV/c is planned.

- in 2013, ECR source & Linac 3 will run for 13 weeks with Ar Preparations for the 2012, 2014 and 2015 runs with ion beams are going well Report from Django Manglunki (BE, ion coordinator): - in 2013, ECR source & Linac 3 will run for 13 weeks with Ar and 13 weeks with Xe, to prepare the 2014 and 2015 NA61 runs, - the 2014 Ar run will need ~10 weeks of preparation in LEIR, PS and SPS, - same for the Xe run in 2015, but in 2015 we expect an ion run for LHC so the whole ion complex will have to start early in the year, - in order to have primary ion beams in the North Area at the same time as protons for other users (LHC, HiRadMat, CNGS?), a new interlock has to be operational; this is conditioned by the pulling of cables between several buildings of the SPS (BA3, BA2, BA5).

Possible extensions of the NA61 program Proposals to be formulated for by July 31, 2012

Possible extensions of the NA61 program: Measurements for the Fermilab neutrino program and other reference measurements for future neutrino experiments - eight US groups (Fermilab, Los Alamos as well as Universities Texas, Colorado, Northwestrn, Pittsburgh, Rochester and William and Mary) intend to join NA61 in order to perform measurements needed for the Fermilab neutrino program - NA61 agreed to help the US groups in the proposal preparatory phase by: - granting access to the NA61 resources and meetings, - devoting 2 days of the June PSD calibration run for the beam/data taking feasibility test (the corresponding agreement is in preparation)

Possible extensions of the NA61 program: Energy scan with Pb+Pb collsions: Pb+Pb 2016+ Xe+La 2015 Ar+Ca 2014 Be+Be 2011 - 2012 p+Pb 2012/14 p+p 2009/10/11 13 20 30 40 80 160 energy (A GeV)

Possible extensions of the NA61 program: Open charm production in Pb+Pb collisions at SPS: Pb+Pb 2016+ Xe+La 2015 Ar+Ca 2014 Be+Be 2011 - 2012 p+Pb 2012/14 p+p 2009/10/11 13 20 30 40 80 160 energy (A GeV)