CONCEPT – Why Medical Camp . Lots of health issue . Health care has become expensive . Lots of tests/consultation available . Good doctors come to the camp
Beneficiaries . Senior Citizens . Poor people . Consultation for second opinion . General population around the area
Where . Near slums and chawls . Rural Areas . Area with no Hospital around . It should be done in a hall or open ground
When . In cooler season . 15th Nov. to 15th Feb is best.
Funding . Rotary Clubs . Corporates . Pharma Companies . Banks . Trust . Politicians
Reporting . Date of camp /Location . No of Beneficiaries . Beneficiaries-stall wise . Feed back book
Impact on society . General awareness . PR for Rotary . Rapport with local Authority . Survey of area for medical purpose
How to make it effective . Banner . Pamphlets . Local cable /Press . Local Politicians . Local Authorities
Continuity . Repeat in same area . Similar time . More doctors/people come in camps . PR of Rotary improves . Rapport with area increases