HAITI : LOCAL SCULPTURE ART Sculpture is an important tradition in Haiti, most notably : - the metal art of Noailles district (Croix des Bouquets, not far from Port-au-Prince), home to the ‘boss fé’ (ironworkers) who hammer out incredible decorative art from flattened oil drums and vehicle bodies, - the sculptors of Atis-Rezistans, a group of at least 20 workshops recycling anything, such as scrap, turning car parts, tyres, computers, old TV sets, lamps, old shoes, twisted nails … and even human skulls & bones into startling sculpture, mainly Vodou. Quite spectacular ! Dominique LAURENT Meet me on mosttraveledpeople.com or thebesttravelled.com AUTOMATIC NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL
Recycling workshops of Grande Rue artists (Port-au-Prince)
Inside the Vodou temple of the district
Atis-Rezistans sculptures (garden of the gingerbread colonial Oloffson Hotel)
Oloffson Hotel garden Place Hugo Chavez
Metal art of Noailles District (Croix des Bouquets)
Work of art ‘La Sensualité’