Echline Primary Curriculum Evening
Welcome Miss Young Talk about yourself in this section
Overview of the year Topic trip in the summer term, dates to be confirmed. Parent helpers welcome! Visitors to be organised to come in and talk to the children about topics throughout the year Assembly – Friday 2nd March 2018 P2, P2/3 and 3 show – week beginning 5th February 2018 Talk here about big things that are happening. Annual calendar things, e.g. big topics, sailing, camp, trips assembly, shows etc.
Routines P.E will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs McLoughlin will teach Art on a Tuesday. We will visit the school library on a Monday afternoon. Reading groups will be heard at least once during the week. P7 buddies on Tuesday afternoons Each day the children will be given a soft start (20 minutes) and we will all be doing a daily walk at the end of the day weather permitting. Weekly reflections will take place on Fridays as well as BAT (reward) time This section is for PE days, other specialists, library days, buddies, homework. New ‘BAT’ (or newly named)
Home learning Maths/Numeracy: home learning wall (grid) will be given home from next week (week beginning 11th September) with activity choices to complement learning in the classroom. Spelling lists (including tricky words) will be posted on to the P2/3 blog at the beginning of each new sound/spelling pattern. Tasks are designed to be fun and flexible and will be a combination of written and active tasks. They will not be marked but will sometimes be shared with myself and the class. Children will read in class regularly, and are expected to read their reading book at home over the course of the week (books are issued on a Monday). Home Learning Wall will begin from term 2 onwards, displaying anything completed by the children at home which they would like to display. Discuss new format for homework, talk about making children more responsible and independent learners.
Assessment Combination of teacher, peer and self assessment. Verbal feedback is often given and therefore jotters won’t always appear to be marked. Children should be aware of their next steps in learning. Emphasis on children discussing their learning both in class and at home! Baseline assessments are carried out at the beginning of new topics to assess the children’s prior knowledge. Explain all types of assessment. Not everything needs to be marked by the teacher, this will be set up as a rotation. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed. Verbal feedback will be given too – ask your child!
Maths and Numeracy Numeracy will be taught as a whole class with activities differentiated to challenge and support where necessary There will be 3 designated numeracy lessons a week and one non-numbers maths lesson (numeracy and maths where relevant will be taught through IDL) Where teaching and learning lends itself better to smaller groups, groupings will be very fluid. Each new maths concept will begin with an assessment to give the children an idea of the level of support they will need. I will be encouraging the children to challenge themselves and there will be an emphasis on growth mindset. Talk about the setup for Maths and anything relevant for you and your class. Link to home learning section. Regular assessments will dictate groups, this may change termly, weekly or even daily.
Literacy Spelling – new pattern each week, with carousels used to provide an active approach to learning (Say, Make, Write, Do). Using the Literacy Rich program as a guideline. Big Writing – children will complete a written piece every week. Writing will be either Teacher, Peer or Self assessed. Smaller pieces of writing will take place during IDL lessons where appropriate. Writing Skills – VCOP, Grammar, discussion and active learning Reading – Reading in groups and whole class reading lessons. Focus on a wide range of texts including film, pictures, art, songs etc. Talk about the setup for Literacy and anything relevant for you and your class. Also link to home learning section. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed.
Health and Well being We encourage positive behaviour through house point tokens and table points (called Bobbles). There are a choice of awards agreed upon by the class which the winning table will choose from each week. Class Charter has been created and agreed upon by the children. Two hours of P.E every week. Building Resilience Circle time Behaviour, class charter, wider life of the school, PE, Pupil Groups
Thanks and Questions Wrap things up and take questions.