Week 5: 12/05/16-12/16/16 This Week’s Learning Contact Information Susan Smith ssmith@stlukeshoreline.org 206-542-1133 Ext. 125 ELA We are incorporating different Christmas themes into our teaching as much as possible in the next 2 weeks before Christmas break. Using different Christmas books, we will be working on sequencing events, story mapping, and comparing contrasting. We are writing with each theme as well. Lots of fun writing prompts. Spelling – This week we will be focusing on “er” and “or” words. We will not have a spelling list next week. Math We are continuing Ch. 5 Understanding Division. In this chapter they will be learning about the concept of division and how it relates to Multiplication. We will have a test on this Chapter before Christmas break hopefully on Tuesday Dec. 13th. Religion Advent has begun and we will be spending Extra time devoted to this special time of year. Students will be writing prayers and reflecting on the season. Social Studies Students began research on their Native American Tribes. They are taking notes on post it notes and putting them in their green folder. We have worked on them for 3 days in class and students should be working on their notes at home too. Notes need to be completed by Dec. 9th. They can show them to me and then begin working on their Presentations. Important Dates December 8th - Mass of the Immaculate Conception 9:30 December 9th – Notes Due December 12th – Books due for book exchange December 14th – Christmas Pageant 6:30 December 15th – Polar Express Day - Christmas Breakfast Party and Book Exchange December 16th – noon dismissal before Christmas Break January 2nd - Christmas break ends January 6th – Native American Projects due January 9th – Presentations begin Notes from Teacher Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that we are less than 2 weeks away from Christmas break. It will be a fun, action packed 10 days. With the change in the weather, please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat. It was COLD out there today. The Christmas Pageant is next Wednesday Dec. 14th at 6:30. Students will come to the classroom dressed in nice dark pants and dark shirts. We will have costumes for them to put on. Parents will then go to the church for the program and pick their children up in the classroom afterward. On Thursday Dec. 15th we are having Polar Express Day. Students may wear school appropriate pajamas and will be having a breakfast party. More information will be coming. Blessings, Susan Smith