Grammar Monday!!!!!! 2/22
Agenda 2/22 Review past grammar skills Introduce new skill – MORE TRICKY WORDS!! Practice! Practice! Practice Reflect Time for homework End Goal – Be able to properly use the new round of tricky words in sentences
Parts of Speech Mary and Jan thought Macbeth was very interesting.
Parts of Speech - Answers Mary and Jan thought Macbeth was very interesting. Mary – Proper Noun And – Conjunction interesting - Thought – Verb adjective Macbeth – Proper Noun Was – verb Very - adverb
Fix this sentence Jacob is the President of the save our planet, since it is the new club that the students enviromental studies started last wedesday?
Fix This Sentence Jacob is the President of the save our planet, since it is the new club that the students enviromental studies started last wedesday? (9) Jacob is the president of the Save Our Planet; it is the new club that the students Environmental Studies started last Wednesday.
Fix This Sentence Since our dog is so tiny; it was to windy too take spunky for a walk on friday. Our Mom said “just let him out in the back yard. There are alot of sticks and trees in the yard; however watch him carefuly.”
Sentence Fix Since our dog is so tiny; it was to windy too take spunky for a walk on friday. Our Mom said “just let him out in the back yard. There are alot of sticks and trees in the yard; however watch him carefuly.” Since our dog is so tiny, it was too windy to take Spunky for a walk on Friday. Our mom said, “Just let him out in the backyard. There are a lot of sticks and trees in the yard; therefore, watch him carefully.”
Grammar Monday Tricky Words – Affect vs. Effect and Then vs. Than Go ahead and set up those Cornell Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Affect vs. Effect Affect – usually a verb Effect – usually a noun
Affect To AFFECT something is to change or influence it. RARE – noun as psychology She displayed a happy AFFECT.
Effect An EFFECT is something that happens due to a cause RARE – to establish or to bring about The leader hoped to effect change in the country.
Affect vs. Effect When you AFFECT something, it produces an EFFECT.
AFFECT The storm knocked down power lines; it affected several thousand people. The new driving rules will affect all people who take Drivers Ed after 2018. The rain affected my hairdo.
Effect The smell of freshly bakes cookies has positive effects on people. The journalist wrote about the tornado’s effect on the town. The rain had no effect on my hairdo.
Than Vs. Then Then – an element of time Than – conveys a comparison Next At that time Than – conveys a comparison
Then We ate and THEN went to the movies. I read the book and THEN I watched the movie.
Than Cars are more expensive THAN bicycles. Giraffes are taller THAN mice.
Affect or Effect Last night’s snowstorm _____ the traffic on the highway. Even though the busses were running late, the snow had no ______ on the time school started The tornado was so powerful that it had several negative ______ on the town. I was so tired this morning; I think it ____ how I performed on the test.
Affect vs Effect Answers Affected Effect Effects
Then vs Than I like cookies more ____ I like ice cream First my mom yelled at me for not doing my homework. ____, she grounded me. I went ice skating last night; _____ I had a sleep over with my best friend. I love English class more _____ lunch.
Then vs. Than Answers Than Then
Fix This Sentence! I asked my Mom if I could go to the movies with my friends this weakend. She said “you’re grades will effect my decisions. First bring up all of you’re grades too As. Then you may go.
Fix This Sentence I asked my Mom if I could go to the movies with my friends this weakend. She said “you’re grades will effect my decisions. First bring up all of you’re grades too As. Then you may go. (11) I asked my mom if I could go to the movies with my friends this weekend. She said, “Your grades will affect my decisions. First, bring up all of your grades to As. Then, you may go.”
Fix This Paragraph (16) I had a fun weekend. Since Ms. Christiansen did not asign home work; I had alot of free time. I was suposed to go ice skating with friends; therefore, the bad weather effected our desision and we went to the movies instead. Than, I picked up my favorite book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and read the first two chapters. I like the book better then the movie. The bad weather had no affect on my weekend, it was still fun?
Fix this Paragraph!!! Answer! I had a fun weekend. Since Ms. Christensen did not assign homework, I had a lot of free time. I was supposed to go ice skating with friends; however, the bad weather affected our decision and we went to the movies instead. Then, I picked up my favorite book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and read the first two chapters. I like the book better than the movie. The bad weather had no effect on my weekend; it was still fun!
Reflection How confident do you feel about these tricky words skill? Rate from 1-10 and explain What are some reasons why this skill could be considered important? How can you apply it to your life? What are some other words you feel you need help on?
Homework You can use the remaining time to complete the work due tomorrow!