Corporal Punishment is Not the Most Effective Disciplinary Method for Schools April Stonecypher Jacksonville State University
Abstract Further research needs to be done to show that corporal punishment is not the most effective form of discipline for schools. While there are many studies available, additional studies need to be conducted. Participants in this study will consist of approximately 300 students ranging from 7th-12th grade who are all attending the same school in a Title 1/low income school and community. The students will be both males, females, and varying races attending the school. The faculty of teachers, student teachers, paraprofessionals, and principal and assistant principal will all participate in the study. Parents/caregivers will also participate.
This will be a quantitative study This will be a quantitative study. The study will consist of questionnaires specifically created for each group. There will be one for students, one for faculty, and one for administration. There will also be a questionnaire for parents/caregivers of the students. Students will complete their questionnaires during homeroom. Faculty and administration will complete questionnaires by email, and parents/caregivers will have questionnaire sent home to them, and they will complete and return to the school. After the questionnaires are completed, data will be entered on a spread sheet. Answers will then be divide into two groups: those who have received corporal punishment and those that have not received corporal punishment. Then, these participants’ data will be looked at to see if the form of punishment used served as a deterrent and increased future behavior. Phenomenology and Grounded Theory will be used to determine outcome of this study.
The expected result of this study is that most of the community, parents/caregivers, faculty, and administration are pro-corporal punishment. This community has long used corporal punishment at home as well as at school. There will be some people who are in favor of alternative forms of punishment. The comparisons of those who have received corporal punishment and those that have not, will most likely show that corporal punishment has made no great difference in student behavior.
Keywords The following key words will be used frequently throughout the study. Many of these are easily understood, but others may not be: Students: Students in this study range from 7th-12th grade. They attend a K-12 school in a Title 1 school. Title 1 School: This is a low income community school which receives funding based up the number of students receiving free and reduced lunch. Faculty: The faculty in the study will consist of teachers, counselors, and paraprofessionals.
Administration: Administration involved in the study will consist of the principal and assistant principal. Parents/Caregivers: While many students involved in the study live with one or both parents, there are many in the study who also live with grandparents or foster parents. Corporal Punishment: Corporal punishment is a punishment intended to cause some level of physical pain on a person. It is most often used on minors, especially in home and also school settings. Common methods of corporal punishment may include, spanking, paddling, or even striking student’s hand with a ruler. The only form of corporal punishment used in the school being studied is paddling.
Phenomenology: The researcher attempts to understand how the participant(s) experienced the phenomenon/event. Ethnography: This involves the researcher attempting to describe the culture of the participants in the study. The researcher would then write about their findings. Grounded Theory: This is when a researcher uses data and develops a theory from the information collected.
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