Chemical Control of Weeds (Field & Forage Crops) Mohunnad Massimi Fellow Scholar at Florida A & M University Agronomist and Extension Officer at NCARE Master of Field Crops from JUST
Lecture Aug, 23 2017 Agricultural Eng Ass Zarqa Number of Targets: 10 Engineers
Chemical Control of Weeds is a Term
Chemical Control of Weeds Chemical Control is three terms !! Appropriate Active Ingredient. Proper Dosage. Proper Timing.
Weeds Control Simply ! Timing Dosage Active Ingredient
Why Weeds Control is important ? Head of Pest Management. Crop Quality and Yield.
Green Forage Crops Forage and Green plants: Alfalfa. Egyptian Clover. Silage Corn. Forage Sorghum. Sudan Grass. Rye Grass.
Cereals and Grain Crops Cereal Grains and Field Crops. Barley. Wheat. Triticale. Grain Sorghum and Corn.
Agronomy Science of Crops Production and Soil Management. Themes: Seeds, Irrigation, Fertilization, Rotations, Machinery, and Protection.
Seeds Irrigation Fertilization Rotation Machinery Protection Agronomy
Chemical Weed Control Terms Herbicide. Pre-Plant. Post-Plant. Pre-Emergence. Post Emergence. Onset of Tillering. Active Ingredient. Active Ingredient %. Trade Name. Systematic Herbicide. Dosage & Application Rate. Weed. Broad Leaves. Narrow Leaves. Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials. Winter and Summer Plants.
Dosage & Application Rate: ml of Herbicide /water (L)/ du (1000 meter square). Usually 4-5 tanks (80-90 Liter of water) is enough for dunnum.
Herbicides 19 Family Registered in MOA. 29 Active Ingredients Available. Trade Names Differ According to % of Active Ingredient.
Extension Observations 2014 – 2016: Wadi Dlayl. Kherbeh Sides. Alfalfa = Egyptian Clover. Wheat = Barley =Triticale. Sorghum = Corn = Sudan grass. Rye grass.
Sisymbrium irio Annual. Winter. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Bromoxynil Octanoate (28%) 500 ml / du. Before Planting Alfalfa. After Tillage. When the age is 3 weeks.
Malva sylvestris L Annual. Winter. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Triticale, and Rye Grass. Bromoxynil Octanoate (28%) 500 ml / du. Before Planting Alfalfa. After Tillage. When the age is 3 weeks.
Malva sylvestris L Triticale. 2,4 – D (620 g/Liter). 177 ml / du. Tillering Time. Rye Grass. Glyphosate Isopropyl Ammonium (480 g/Liter). 550 ml /du. Before Planting.
Hordeum spontaneum L Annual. Winter. Narrow Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 200 ml /du. After First Harvest of Spring Planting.
Lopochloa phleoides (Vill.) Rchb Annual. Winter. Narrow Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 200 ml /du. After First Harvest of Spring Planting.
Chrozophora tinctoria L Annual. Summer. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Bromoxynil Octanoate (28%) 500 ml / du. Before Planting Alfalfa. After Tillage. When the age is 3 weeks.
Amaranthus gracilis Des Annual. Summer. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa and Sorghum.
Amaranthus gracilis Des Alfalfa. Bromoxynil Octanoate (28%). 200 ml/du. Before First Harvest (in Spring Planting). Sorghum. Pendimethalian (450 g/Liter). 350 ml/du. After Planting (2 days) & Before Emergence.
Echinochloa crusgalli Annual. Winter. Narrow Leaves. Found in Alfalfa and Sorghum.
Echinochloa crusgalli Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 200 ml /du. After First or Second Harvest of Spring Planting. Sorghum. Pendimethalian (450 g/Liter). 350 ml/du. After Planting (2 days) & Before Emergence.
Cynodon dactylon L. Perennial. Narrow. Found in Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 200 ml /du. After First Harvest of Spring Planting.
Convolvulus althaeoides L Convolvulus arvensis L Perennial. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa and Triticale and Rye Grass.
Convolvulus althaeoides L Convolvulus arvensis L Triticale. 2,4 – D (620 g/Liter). 177 ml / du. Tillering Time. Rye Grass. Glyphosate Isopropyl Ammonium (480 g/Liter). 550 ml /du. Before Planting.
Cardaria draba L. Perennial. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa and Triticale.
Cardaria draba L. Alfalfa. Bromoxynil Octanoate (28%). 400 ml/du. After First Harvest (in Spring Planting). Triticale. 2,4 – D (620 g/Liter). 177 ml / du. Tillering Time.
Peganum harmala L Perennial. Narrow Leaves. Found in Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 200 ml /du. After First Harvest of Spring Planting.
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav Perennial. Broad Leaves. Found in Alfalfa and Rye Grass. Glyphosate Isopropyl Ammonium (480 g/Liter). 550 ml /du. Before Planting of Rye.
Cuscuta spp L Annual. Parasitic. Found in Alfalfa. Fluazifop –P-Butyl (125 g/Liter). 280 ml /du. When Alfalfa Age is 86 days in Spring Planting.
Portulaca oleracea L Annual. Broad Leaves. Found in Sorghum. Pendimethalian (450 g/Liter). 350 ml/du. After Planting (2 days) & Before Emergence.
Urtica urens L Urtica polulifera L Annual. Winter. Found in Triticale and Rye Grass.
Urtica urens L Urtica polulifera L Triticale. 2,4 – D (620 g/Liter). 177 ml / du. Tillering Time. Rye Grass. Glyphosate Isopropyl Ammonium (480 g/Liter). 550 ml /du. Before Planting.
Cichorium pumilum Jacq Annual. Winter. Broad Leaves. Found in Triticale and Rye Grass. 2,4 – D (620 g/Liter). 177 ml / du. Tillering Time.
Safety Procedures Using gloves. Using Muzzles. Drinking, Eating & Smoking. ------------------------------------- Wind Time. Against Wind. Rain Time. Morning or Evening Time.
References - Field Guide Booklet: Weeds Control in Salt Tolerant Forage Crops الدليل الميداني: مكافحة الأعشاب في محاصيل علفية متحملة للملوحة - Mohunnad Massimi - 2015. - Booklet DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2055.8322 - ISBN: 978-9957-588-12-0 - National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension - On Research Gate: July, 2016
On Research Gate Citing