Outline: Why now ? What ? How ?


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Presentation transcript:

Outline: Why now ? What ? How ? Accelerator R & D Outline: Why now ? What ? How ? R. Garoby 1

Why now ? Because of the need to prepare for: continuation after ISS (deadline: NuFact06 in August) continuation after CARE. + It has to fit inside the future European Strategy as outlined by the CCSG and as supported by the CERN council (to be known at the latest in October 2006). R. Garoby 2

What ? Proton drivers: Linac-based solutions: high energy part (superconducting cavities, high power RF, beam dynamics,…) RCS-based solutions: no request (mature) FFAG-based solutions: not mature (could be part of generic R & D on FFAGs) R. Garoby 3

What ? Targets: Liquid jet: MERIT experiment results mid-2007 Solid: investigations started. To be pursued. Flowing liquid: remains to be defined R. Garoby 4

From R. Bennett # ITEM STAFF COST Years kEuro 1. Free Mercury Jet - After MERIT? 1 100 2. Increase experience with mercury jet and handling/safety. Consider low temperature eutectics as alternatives to Hg. 2 200 3. Contained, flowing liquid metal targets - possibly combined with pulsed spallation neutron source research work? 4. Shock studies in solids –tungsten and carbon –for targets (and at high temperatures) and windows. 5. In-beam tests required. 10 6. Investigate low thermal expansion metals. 50 7. Produce a viable rotating/moving solid target design. 8. Radiation Damage in solids –high temperatures - annealing. 9. Design a target station for Jet target and Solid target. Including remote handling, maintenance and replacement. 20 Produce a viable beam dump design for solid and free jet targets. 11 Safety aspects. Mercury presents special hazards. Total 13 1300 750 12 Test Target Station with 4 MW proton beam ~ 50 MEuro R. Garoby 5

Preliminary schedule ( M. Dracos) What ? Muons collection: Solenoid: not foreseen in EU yet Horns (super-beam): horn & power-supply Preliminary schedule ( M. Dracos) Design of Power Supply: 2006-2007 R&D, tests and simulations, feasibility: 2006-2008 new horn prototype: 2009 R. Garoby 6

What ? Muons Front End (K. Long): MICE Phase II Contribution to concept development of Geer’s scheme: Development of front end (phase-rotation, bunching, cooling scheme etc.) in context of end-to-end design Technological developments for normal conducting/high gradient cavities (in high B field), sc magnets, RF power sources… Investigation of “novel” cooling schemes [helical cooler, cooling in a ring (FFAG ?), …] R. Garoby 7

What ? Muons Acceleration and storage (F. Meot): Need for major effort on beam dynamics. Acceleration: numerous schemes available (FFAGs, RLA) & no obvious “winner” today => need for technological developments (Superconducting RF & high power RF hardware, study of FFAGs potential…) + comparisons Storage: 2 possibilities (racetrack or triangle) => technological developments (magnets, RF, kickers,…) R. Garoby 8

How ? Numerous proposals submitted to ESGARD. Unlikely to be integrated in a single I3 (R. Edgecock). Look for synergy with other teams (FFAGs with industry and medicine, sc RF with ILC, Target and radioprotection with IFMIF/EURISOL/n spallation sources…) However, need for a coordinating body. R. Garoby 9