Revit Exchange Store
Connecting the Pieces
Connecting the Pieces The whole is greater then the parts The parts are increasingly not viable on their own
Today’s Agenda Revit Exchange Store 2013 User Experience Developer Experience Submission Guidelines References Image courtesy of Harmonix Music Systems, Inc.
Nondisclosure Agreement Today’s discussion is covered under your ADN Agreement with Autodesk. The information we will be providing is highly confidential, and is to be shared within your company on “need to know basis” and to no one outside your company. Autodesk makes no guarantees that anything presented or discussed will actually appear in the future.
Autodesk Exchange Store Know AutoCAD Exchange Store? Tried store apps? Have app on the store? Before we talk about Revit Exchange store, let me ask you a few questions. How many of you know about AutoCAD Exchange store in 2012? (raise your hands and get the feel of audience). Have you tried store apps? Downloaded? Installed? How many of you actually have app on the store already? If you know how AutoCAD store looks like, how the process of posting app on the store, you will find it very easy to understand how Revit store looks like.
Revit Exchange Store 2013 User Experience Developer Experience Common look and feel across the Autodesk Products Small exceptions due to the difference in each products (e.g., restarting Revit). Developer Experience Easy packaging (e.g., help file creation, installer provided by Autodesk) Addins mechanism - No change in Revit 2013 Maybe in 2014 based on the experience with 2013 Guidelines Per user location, bundle folder Ribbon buttons, Help file (F1 help) As Jim Quanci mentioned this morning, we are going to expand Exchange store to have Revit, Inventor and other products. Here is a big picture of Revit exchange store in 2013. [read on the slide. yellow is pros, blue is cons. (cons includes some action items) ] Guidelines – we will come back to this in more detail later.
Common User Experience Content Here is a sample images to show you an idea of Common User Experience. *) Mockup page based on AutoCAD Store. Revit store beta coming soon
Developer Experience Online Submission Help file creation Packaging/Installer provided by Autodesk Guidelines to satisfy Submission of app are done through app store link – makes it very easy Filling out some information, you can create a html help files Just send us your apps, we will do packaging/create install for you. (in some complex cases, we will work together.) There are some simple guideline to satisfy, which we will explain next.
Submission Guidelines While we do ask you to follow some basic guidelines, but there is nothing complex.
Install Location %AppData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2013 <your app>.addin <your app>.bundle - resource folder Prefix RDS (Registered Developer Symbol) First is the installation location. We will be using per user location, not all user location. This way, the it does not need to be a user does not need to have administrative right. The location is %appData% … [please read on …]
Addin Manifest <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RevitAddIns> <AddIn Type="Application"> <Name>ElementRenumbering</Name> <Description>Re-assign the Number properties of rooms and spaces or …</Description> <Assembly> .\ADNPlugin-RoomRenumbering.bundle\Contents\ADNPlugin-RoomRenumbering.dll </Assembly> <FullClassName>ADNPlugin.Revit.RoomRenumbering.Application</FullClassName> <ClientId>5CE6DEA0-EFE1-4088-B081-D116CF91D11A</ClientId> <VendorId>ADNP</VendorId> <VendorDescription>Autodesk, </VendorDescription> </AddIn> </RevitAddIns> Use the relative path.
Add-ins under “Add-ins” tab Need to have Ribbon Button (not under external tools) Add-ins tab (by default) Custom tabs (optional) Drawback: need to restart Revit
Contextual (F1) Help New in 2013 RibbonItem. SetContextualHelp() In alpha RibbonItem. SetContextualHelp() Link to: External URL Local help file Autodesk wikihelp We also ask you to add contextual help on your button.
References AutoCAD Exchange Store More to come More to come General guideline for multiple products Revit specifics Easy, isn’t it?
Nondisclosure Agreement Today’s discussion is covered under your ADN Agreement with Autodesk. The information we will be providing is highly confidential, and is to be shared within your company on “need to know basis” and to no one outside your company. Autodesk makes no guarantees that anything presented or discussed will actually appear in the future.
Connecting the Pieces The whole is greater then the parts The parts are increasingly not viable on their own
Connecting the Pieces
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