Cadet Lieutenant Amanda Fort USMA Class of 2009 From Stratham, NH


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Presentation transcript:

Cadet Lieutenant Amanda Fort USMA Class of 2009 From Stratham, NH THE FINAL COUNTDOWN FDR-2 Data Analysis Cadet Lieutenant Amanda Fort USMA Class of 2009 From Stratham, NH

Large Hadron Collider The Large Hadron Collider was built in a 27 km-long tunnel that ranges from 50 to 175 m underground. Designed to collide two beams of protons rotating in opposite directions accelerated by strong magnetic fields Uses cryogenic system to cool magnets to super-conducting temperatures Collisions expected at 7 TeV per beam

Inner Tracker —measures momentum of each charged particle Calorimeter —measures energy of each charged particle Muon Spectrometer —measures momentum and energy of muons Magnet System —bends charged particles in order to measure their momentum A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS One of the four experiments on the LHC, ATLAS is designed to detect particles that result from high energy proton-proton collisions

FDR Data Full Dress Rehearsal is meant to simulate 1 day of data-taking Reconstruction is the phase of data analysis concerned with re-creating the tracks we believe the particles took based on the data Creates an ESD: Event Summary Data Re-Reconstruction created an AOD; Analysis Object Data, which is a subset of an ESD Data Analysis begins with examining the AOD

PHYSICS! The Higgs Boson is a theoretical *so far* particle that has mass but no energy; they exist in a field throughout the universe, and other particles that interact with them gain mass and momentum This would explain where particles get their mass, and thus answer the question of why photons are mass-less but W and Z bosons are quite massive Because the Higgs lifetime is so short, the only way to detect it is to look for what it might have decayed into

PHYSICS! As we do not know the mass of the Higgs, there are several possibilities of what it could decay into: Higgs mass Channel Below 150 GeV H → γγ Above 200 GeV H → ZZ* → 4 leptons 130 GeV H → ττ Between 125 and 190 GeV H → WW 120 GeV ttH, H → bḃ “Golden Channel” for searching for the Standard Model Higgs, because ATLAS is optimized to detect leptons and this offers the surest way to reconstruct the mass peak of the Higgs

Retrieving and Viewing Data Used ATLAS Grid to find an AOD from FDR-2 that had Zμμ events Inserted new file into previously made job Option to view in Atlantis Uses the Athena software framework JiveXML Interface to view events

Converting to a DPD D1PDs, D2PDs, D3PDs Removing collections Skimming—removing uninteresting events Thinning—removing unused objects Slimming—removing properties of objects

Athena ROOT Access ARA is a package that allows us to load POOL containers from ROOT without running Athena Commands are in PyROOT Allows us to look at individual containers from the AOD and make our own plots and histograms from collections

Where do we go from here… A Zμμ DPD-Maker Uses ARA to find: Luminosity information Trigger efficiency Alignment and calibration constants B-Field Mapping

Questions? Acknowledgements Artemis Paris DPD Tutorial. AtlasWeb. ATLAS Outreach website. CERN. LHC Outreach website. CERN. PAT Vancouver Tutorial. AtlasWeb. Python ARA Tutorial. AtlasWeb. Rosati, Stefano. Standard Model Higgs Boson Searches at ATLAS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 110 (2008) 042022. IOP Publishing.